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I think they do. I'm in Silicon Valley. Private sector companies are fierce about security.

There is definitely an awareness that industrial espionage and recreational hacking are threats.

Years ago I worked for the leading networking company. All they ever talked about was security, both to customers and internally.

It's the government that never caught on.

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i posted this on FB when somebody here posted it a while back and i think got more likes than i ever have.

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American hubris is unbounded.

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He's hoping that the Russians can continue stealing elections for him until he gets made president-for-life and the Repubes the permanent-Congressional-majority-for-life.

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****silently judging your porn habits******Shit, I have people loudly judging my masturbation habits when I walk down the street, go to a restaurant, or drive down the street, or stay home and drink seltzer. They keep suggesting moar pills at the Psych office, cutely thinking I'm imagining it.

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Has he put on his robe and wizard hat?

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I’m not gonna lie. I read the first paragraph and just skipped to the video. We’re so fucked.

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Why is this stuff accessible online? I know I'm an old but I remember a time when people accepted the best way to secure a system was to not connect it to the internet.

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Because people wanna work from home. Because bosses want to check up on things (i.e., employees) outside of their (the bosses') working hours. Because (subset of first reason) network engineers don't want to get out of bed, get dressed and drive to the office for a two-minute server fix. Lotsa reasons. Does that make it right? No, probably not.

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But Silicon Valley is kind of a special case, where cyber awareness is concerned. Get out of there and you'll find a completely different environment.

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I like the "harsh language and sad face emoji" analogy, pretty much sums it up. "Fuck you Vlad, :( p.s. did I do this right? meet me later?" DJT

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When asked why Russia was committing cyber-espionage and openly hostile acts causing damage and destruction to the United States, Putin answered, "Why not? I mean, literally, why not?"

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Sure, everybody wants e-mail and mommyblog access, but it seems to me that, say, the reactor control rods ought not be adjustable from your home office.Or be run in Windows XP.

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