Awwwwwww, concern troll has never heard of Just for Men or Clairol Nice and Easy.

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It's his skin, not his hair. His hair is Trump Tower Gold in color, not anything like a redhead.

We called John Boehner various forms of orange for the same reason. Unrelated to ginger-slamming.

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I do not like the smell of Buyer's Remorse in the morning. It smells like all kinds of sad and borscht and 3-day-bender burps.

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It's like what Lewis Black was saying when I saw him recently: "I might as well quit doing comedy because we are at the intersection of satire and news!"

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I found actual non-commenting rules linked to Sunday's Deleted Comments thread!! Can I be an investigative journalist, now? Or do I need to take a class at Sizzler for the credential?

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He had Sikh supporters?

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So Kellyanne Conway claims that there is evidence about the wiretapping, but we can't see it. BZZZZZZ!! Wrong! That pat excuse for every unsubstantiated claim made by the Trump camp has officially been used too many times. From now on, any claim will be ignored unless there is evidence to back it up. [drops microphone]


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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... I have a cheat sheet. ;-)

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I've heard that killing a dog is relaxing and lots of fun. Trump should ask his resident Huckabee for how-to details.

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I salute Sgt.'s fine command of the genetics of gingerdom. Orange is not in the palette that we, the strawberry blondes, the auburned, the sunset red, and all shades between enjoy.

And that's not all.

Only 5% of U.S. births are natural gingers. We are noticed everywhere we go. That means we deal with a LOT of projection (the women especially).

If it doesn't make you agoraphobic, it will make you VERY experienced at dishing out what's needful for situations.

You don't learn that skill from a bottle of Clairol that doesn't work with your skin tones!

That's my pedantry for the day. Back to lurk 'n snark.

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Tangerine Nutsack has a certain je-na-say-wha to it.

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Not as many as his hindu supporters, but yeah.


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I do, on the other hand, kinda like the sound of fresh subpoenas, any time of day, slapped into the flabby chests of a certain for-now 'administration'.

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The poetic beat of an anapest followed by a trochee, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm a fan of Weapons-Grade Plum, myself. Wish this list included Britishisms....as collected by David Tennant.

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'Ginger-slamming'... good term.....

Strawberry blondes fade toward his color as we age. My mom's hair is exactly the same color at Trump's. She's an immigrant who finds him personally and politically disgusting...

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I know a lot of strawberry blondes, and their rosy golden tones aren't like Trump's. His looks Applied.

I notice he's also trending less orange since having been teased about it months ago, but still has those standout light spots under his eyes - no snark meant, just that it highlights how odd the rest of his skin tone is.

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