This guy probably isn't even gay. He's a god damned phony is what he is

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I agree. I bet his wrist wasn't even limp while he was typing. (You can tell that by how each letter follows the other in the comment which isn't allowed.)

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Dharma and Greg episode, cat-watching for Dharma's friend, Jane, while she attends a Star Trek convention.

Greg: I didn't know Jane was a trekkie.

Dharma: She's not. She just likes to have sex with virgins.

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I am not 100% sure, but I am thinking they were actually really real terrorists, not alleged ones. Pretty sure that is the one bit that everyone right now absolutely agrees on.Also, too, that they were Muslim, and had become radicalized at some point.Not sure where the confuzzlement comes from, article sort of says all of that a buncha times.

What is not clear, yet, is whether they were on explicit orders from an outside influence, or decided meh, fuck it, I am done with living, let's take out a few with us, all on their own.

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"direct demarcation" is an oxymoron and winning the "hearts and minds" of the people worked so brilliantly in Iraq, didn't it?

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Except most of those idiots don't trust Mooselems and anyone whose skin isn't lilly white.

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Agree with everything you say. I conclude they were acting on their own because shooting up your office party, while I understand the impulse, doesn't scream "carefully chosen terror target" to me.

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I'm gonna speculate (like other armchair analysts) that the office party was not their primary or only target. The supposed argument with the Jewish guy might have been the catalyst also.

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380 shots sealed the deal...permanently.

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If Muslims shootup a bortionplex/babbypart factory to preserve babbies for God, are they terrorists?

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Those dangerous radicalized Christians, are Crusading against PP, and the American way of life!!!!! They hate our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. Why do radical Christianists hate American freedom?

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In GOP world everything that Obummer does is sucky, especially so in Trump world. Bizarrely, as stoopid as this sound to us sane people, I expect it to totally work with the 27%

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soooooo, Director Coomey, does this mean that the FBI is going to be keeping a closer eye on Christian Radicals, white supremacists, militia members, and conspiracy theorists who spend lots and lots of time on the internets 'researching' how to be prepared when the ATF comes for their guns? Or is your position that hanging out online with violent minded people doesn't impel anyone to behave violently?

why does it seem this response seems designed to bolster the argument to reinstate unlimited surveillance of the internet and mobile phone usage?

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It didn't work in Iraq because it was never tried. The geniuses who masterminded the invasion just assumed that everyone would automatically love us once we took out Saddam. Now they and their supporters want to go charging back into Iraq so we can alienate the people whom we haven't already.

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Couldn't be real terrorists, MSNBC couldn't find where they put "Do jihad" on their calendar.

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