ok trump, we'll make you a deal, if you honor the results of the election and just go away, we'll let you go over every vote with a fine toothed comb, you can call every voter and make sure their vote was actually theirs. if you find that there was so much fraud that trump actually won, you can be president for another 8 years. wanna make that deal donnie?
WTF is it with Trump and "Russia Russia Russia"? He sounds like a bad imitation of Jan Brady with her "Marsha Marsha Marsha!" line. Yes, Jan/Trump, if you're tired of hearing about "Marsha", uh, "Russia", then maybe you should stop sucking up to Putin.
Bless his heart.
No, I think that's a Mean Boy you're seeing there.
Ooooooooooh where’s LORI????
ok trump, we'll make you a deal, if you honor the results of the election and just go away, we'll let you go over every vote with a fine toothed comb, you can call every voter and make sure their vote was actually theirs. if you find that there was so much fraud that trump actually won, you can be president for another 8 years. wanna make that deal donnie?
ever heard the story of how Meadows the wuss dropped to his knees to beg for his job?
a real hard guy all right ... this is what Con Jobs have in the White House, complete cowardly disgrace ... basically a human outhouse ...
Thanks Bako Folks, we love you ...
These people are the worst. I mean, FFS.
A super un-funny cartoon, like Clutch Cargo.
He has such an open, honest face...
What happened to Crunchy, Batter and Roastie??
Such a dreamer.
Wait, the Pope shits in the woods?? Next you'll be telling me bears are Catholic!!!
Make every volt count?
WTF is it with Trump and "Russia Russia Russia"? He sounds like a bad imitation of Jan Brady with her "Marsha Marsha Marsha!" line. Yes, Jan/Trump, if you're tired of hearing about "Marsha", uh, "Russia", then maybe you should stop sucking up to Putin.
Some of us up north, like my ma, used that term very often.