But Jesus didn't hang with commies. No way! Our Jesus never hung out with a communist.

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Ummm...the picture? Did Ted have Impetigo or was he just mad freckled?

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wow...worst sex toy company EVER.

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I whole heartedly approve the er, uh, above message!

Come on, that fruit was right at waist level, I just swung my dick and knocked it right off the branch.

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That guy's a fuckin saint, a saint, I tell ya.

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This just in. Teddy Kennedy is still dead.

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What a bunch of asswipes! Bush runs secret prisons around the world, torture, illegal wiretaps, detention camps ... and these guys are worried about where Ted Kennedy's dick went 50 years ago. All so they can crowbar in the phrase "Obama’s leftist politician heroes" in a press release.

And wouldn't the "tough fight" with Obama administration have been easier if they made their FOIA demands during the aforementioned BUSH administration? Way to blow it Judicial Watch.

And -- gotta say it -- how many jobs could the Obama administration have created if they weren't spending so much energy in a tough fight with Ken Starr's love children?

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The FBI is collecting intel in Chile in 1961 why?

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Feather boa lined, not lead lined.

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Man, Marilyn Monroe could really pull a train!

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meh, wake me up when teddy's drinking booze off someone's pentagon contractor ass.

in a bandana.

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