Well...either Comey drops this dud or one of the disgruntled boys in the band of brothers leaks it to the alt-right, leading to "Justice Dept. Cover-Up" headline. As it stands, we now have HRC BEGGING for more info to be made public, so good on her, if you ask me.
Thanks so much to all you guys. You guys are awesome. I feel much better. I was almost in a fetal position in my office. haha Ugh. I can't wait for this election to be over. Seriously, I'm so done.
not gonna change the fact that the GOP is once again flailing around over a giant nothing burger while Trump burns thru all the cash and blow leaving nothing for the down ticket races. this is their last great hope, that and repealing Obamacare.
Once-upon-a-time a psychiatrist had twin sons age eight. One was an incurable pessimist- the other an incurable optimist. Their father became alarmed and decided to try an experiment. Christmas Eve he filled the pessimist’s room with everything a boy could wish for; and he filled the optimist’s room with horse manure. Early next morning he went to observe their reactions. The pessimist sat among the toys, books, clothes, sporting goods- just sat there-eyeing the presents suspiciously, trying to figure out what the catch was. His father sighed and walked towards the other boy’s room. When he peeked in the door he saw him standing waist high in the middle of all the manure, shoveling it up in the air over his shoulder and laughing- as you would say, Cosmo-like a fiend! “Son,” the father said, “what’s the matter with you? What are you so happy about?” The boy turned, still laughing, and replied, “Gee, Dad, I figure with all this horse shit- there must be a pony!” - Jim Kirkwood
I asked my wife to honor my wishes if she hears a muffled *pop* in the SE corner of the property. Tell the boys to drag me out by the heels, and cover me with the olive green blankie. I thought I could make it thru the next 10 days, but, sadly, this is proving to be more than I can bear. It is, indeed, a cruel world. *sob*
Well...either Comey drops this dud or one of the disgruntled boys in the band of brothers leaks it to the alt-right, leading to "Justice Dept. Cover-Up" headline. As it stands, we now have HRC BEGGING for more info to be made public, so good on her, if you ask me.
... you think? No, really. Do. You. Think.?
...oh... "he seems nice."
Thanks so much to all you guys. You guys are awesome. I feel much better. I was almost in a fetal position in my office. haha Ugh. I can't wait for this election to be over. Seriously, I'm so done.
Or even a perfectly reasonable person who has kept up with the news.
You're the best. Thanks.
Today, we all want an update on what we should believe about this.
not gonna change the fact that the GOP is once again flailing around over a giant nothing burger while Trump burns thru all the cash and blow leaving nothing for the down ticket races. this is their last great hope, that and repealing Obamacare.
Pawful of keys
It's official now, this election season has my brain fried to a crisp. Thank goodness we have the World Series. Which I am enjoying.
I once sent an email to Hillary. Should I tell the FBI?
Once-upon-a-time a psychiatrist had twin sons age eight. One was an incurable pessimist- the other an incurable optimist. Their father became alarmed and decided to try an experiment. Christmas Eve he filled the pessimist’s room with everything a boy could wish for; and he filled the optimist’s room with horse manure. Early next morning he went to observe their reactions. The pessimist sat among the toys, books, clothes, sporting goods- just sat there-eyeing the presents suspiciously, trying to figure out what the catch was. His father sighed and walked towards the other boy’s room. When he peeked in the door he saw him standing waist high in the middle of all the manure, shoveling it up in the air over his shoulder and laughing- as you would say, Cosmo-like a fiend! “Son,” the father said, “what’s the matter with you? What are you so happy about?” The boy turned, still laughing, and replied, “Gee, Dad, I figure with all this horse shit- there must be a pony!” - Jim Kirkwood
"Beehivemind State"
I asked my wife to honor my wishes if she hears a muffled *pop* in the SE corner of the property. Tell the boys to drag me out by the heels, and cover me with the olive green blankie. I thought I could make it thru the next 10 days, but, sadly, this is proving to be more than I can bear. It is, indeed, a cruel world. *sob*
No, it's cool. It's all her fault!