As long as the Grey Space Immigrants are secretly running things, nothing will change.

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wow me too.

as i do not have a job, i think this is all very exciting and will at least give me something to do.

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thanks for that clarification.

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As someone who has been on a campus threatened by Animal Rights people, I have to say they take the cake at the moment in scary.

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I now has a permanent sad, one that cannot be cured by all the LOLcats in the whole Internets.

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Oh, I think it has quite enough already.

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Obama iz 2 librul.

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You? (Now.)

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2006? This is more like 1968. This is the jurisprudential side of the culture wars. The ticks who burrowed into the flesh of the DOJ after Nixon's years are probably dead, but they laid eggs, and those larvae are now chewing their way to the surface.

Sorry. I just made myself vomit a little bit, too.

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Looks like I'd better take down my Chairman Mao quote of the day calendar.

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Amen to that. Any federal agents reading the comments today, please understand that all that "fuck war" business Riley Waggaman was spouting was just funny comedy humor. We here all agree that war is awsome and pleasant. What this country needs is less dissent and organized labor. Keep labor disorganized!

Fired up? <i> Ready to passively and silently comply!</i>

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