Well, he likes ISIS, so he's clearly a Terrorist. But he's also a white boy from Ohio, so he's just practicing Freedom of Speech and 2nd Amendment Rights. Dang, this is confusing!
He looks like the kind of guy who could use the <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/572375\/muslim-free-gun-range-lady-bans-south-asian-dudes-is-definitely-not-racist" target="_blank">Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range</a> without any difficulty. That kind of practice would have made his terror&#039;ing easier.
My girlfriend and I tried that reverse tinnitus with an ordinary fire hose, once. Damn near threw both my hips out of joint, but she had a good time, once we got the water pressure just right.
As long as you&#039;re white, not a Muslim, then you can want to blow up all the buildings, and it&#039;s just satire. Right?
Cheney&#039;s headed over with the hummus.
My cat likes your gravatar there, BadKitty. Took one look at it and said, &quot;RRRowwww, Himalayan!&quot;
Nothing screams join Isis like having your dad call you a momma&#039;s boy kitty cat petting pussy
Well, he likes ISIS, so he&#039;s clearly a Terrorist. But he&#039;s also a white boy from Ohio, so he&#039;s just practicing Freedom of Speech and 2nd Amendment Rights. Dang, this is confusing!
The hair and the beard are acts of terrorism all by themselves.
He&#039;s got the classic middle name of Lee. Ranks right up there with Wayne for crazy killer guys.
DHS has announced we are at DERPCON 3
Cue the right-wing going crazy for the &quot;Tyrant Obama&#039;s&quot; FBI doing the same thing that W.&#039;s FBI did in 3...2...1...
I&#039;ll drink to that.
so will he
IK,R? Lone wolf, or genuine terrist? I&#039;ll wait until Hannity and Ablow get their mouths off on it.
&quot;He was a bit odd, but man, his dad was a real asshole.&quot;
He looks like the kind of guy who could use the <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/572375\/muslim-free-gun-range-lady-bans-south-asian-dudes-is-definitely-not-racist" target="_blank">Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range</a> without any difficulty. That kind of practice would have made his terror&#039;ing easier.
Buddhists, they only do terror in Sri Lanka.
My girlfriend and I tried that reverse tinnitus with an ordinary fire hose, once. Damn near threw both my hips out of joint, but she had a good time, once we got the water pressure just right.