maccers is WAAYYY too cool for either comey or trump. they're both variations of dogberry.

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and i will say this for forever because:

still not hacked motherfuckers.

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Lighten up, Francis

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Not strange at all. They were informed one of their spam boxes was communicating oddly with Russia, they took it down and replaced it with another spam box that started doing the same thing immediately. Google "Sender Policy Framework" to better understand what's going on here.

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First, no. Vixie didn't create bind. Bind already existed when Vixie started maintaining it. Second, never ask a developer about infrastructure issues. Period. It's not their job, it's not their skill set. If Developers were good at diagnosing issues, there would be no need for people like me who spend their days cleaning up after them.

Although, Vixie could be a good person to ask. After all, the software he has written is known as some of the most insecure that's ever been produced.

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I've wondered about that too. Everyone I know in the military is a knee-jerk repub. My Dad knows two guys who used to be in the Secret Service & they both make O'Reilly look like a social justice warrior.

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"none of the article is really all that correct with the technology or terminology"

I get the impression their reporters are Ivy League graduates who greatly overrate their understanding of the topic at hand. I only really know about Molecular Biology and Chemistry and every single time they publish something in those fields there are errors of both fact & interpretation. So by extension all NYT articles aren't "all that correct with the technology or terminology"

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Their hatred and extreme distrust of others is deeply rooted in jealousy and greed.

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Okay, related question, a day late to this conversation, what do you know about salvia, if anything? I remember getting some in NY and having literally the best experience of my life.

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I remember it by the latin . . . . sativa means "cultivated" as in a strain that's grown by farmers, and it gives you a more cultivated/intelligent high.

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Is there any truth to the rumor, (which I just made up), that if The Dumpster is elected president, the FBI will officially change its name to Female Body Inspectors and its primary mission will change to finding younger, more attractive women for Dumpster to grope/replace whomever he is currently married to?

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Well you nailed it, Rebecca. Now Rachel Maddow must have you on her show immediately!!

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Lichtblau is an equal-opportunity fuckup; CNN also canned his ass for inaccurate reporting, after they had to retract a story.His NYT editor was also a fuckup - how do you publish an article claiming that the FBI is NOT doing something, based on an anonymous source, when that source would have to know EVERYTHING the FBI is doing?

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My, your world is just so convenient for you!

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It's so sad how the NYT has succumbed. It's gone from the paper of record to a fucking rag that'll sell its front page to the highest bidder.

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