May i suggest a change of venue to Tom Delay's Federal District Court?

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"Always stand on a hard 16."

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Actually, it was Rick "Man on Dog" Santorum who certainly appeared to be using campaign funds for personal use.

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Kind of like Newt Gingrich and Allan Keys - only fewer books (Thank God!).

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Or she can shovel snow for Fiddy Cent.

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The way these young 'uns come up with double entendres makes my poor old head spin. I can't keep up.

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So she not only lost her election by a huge margin, but now might even go to jail because of it?

Icing, meet cake.

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It's not illegal when conservatives do it. Just ask George Bush and Dick 'No Pulse' Cheney.

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Eh, the FBI investigates lots of stuff. Right, John Ensign?

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"Titantic"? "Waterloo"?

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I could have a mysterious burning sensation and my life would still be better than hers.

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