Can't wait to hear what Pat Robertson has to say about this!

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I'll be willing to take 10,000 exposures to BJ's just be certain that it's safe. All in the name of science.

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The female body has ways of shutting AIDS down.

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It's a holdover from the Reagan era, which homophobia was pretty much a federal institution. It's also during that same presidency when the FDA (and a lot of federal agencies) were gutted in the same of establishing "small government." So, it was basically came down to "adhere to the President's hysterical ideas about people poking each other in the butt, or get fired."

Keep in mind that a lot of the damage Reagan did to the FDA wasn't undone until Obama's presidency, and the effects haven't truly been felt yet. Change is hard for government agencies.

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Woop-de-doo. I'll rush right out for the chance to feel dizzy and eat cheap cookies.

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Whatever it is, it is sure to result in a mass reaction of, "Huh? Did he just say that?

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A prompt dosage of NIH will clear that right up.

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Pretty sure they ask recipients to check a box to consent to receiving the gay blood.

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Eating wheat that was stored in a pyramid is also a high risk factor.

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Sorry FDA, I hate needles but I like the ghey sexy time, so you aren't getting any of my ghey blood anytime soon. Maybe try treating ghey blood like straight blood, you know, equally, and I'll think about it.

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If the women I've dated in my life are any indicator, that's going to be a bit of a sometimes boring, sometimes painful 10,000. Ex-girlfriend libels.

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"Sex worker" sounds like the key grip on a porn shoot.

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I must be doing it wrong cuz that's me at home after a few tasty beverages.

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I want to come to your party.

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Also works on the bus!

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I did have an aquaitance who was in complete denial about his HIV status (sadly leading to his death at the age of 30 just 2 years ago). But I suspect that mindset is very rare and 99.99999% of the people who give blood would never do it if they thought they had a blood borne disease.

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