Of the three+ BSDs I'm happiest with FreeBSD, so good work and thanks.You are quite welcome! 🤓
I'm reading a lot about Rust in kernel space, have you looked at that any?I've seen some discussion of it. I don't know if anyone is actively working on it at the moment.
The wiki says there's an e1000 driver in Rust and a KPI for it. I think that's the wave of the future. Pure Rust is a PITA to program in, I've got about 2000 lines of code, but it runs like a scalded dog and it's supposed to be free of the kinds of memory issues you really don't want in privileged space.
The old order passeth and the new taketh away. If systems are going to get rewritten in new languages, give me Rust over C++ anytime.
My company has had a C++ kernel module in the past. I wasn't involved, but my understanding was that it worked fine... except when it didn't; debugging a vmcore was a pain in the ass.
"there is no indication that it will ever turn to a very destructive variant again" There is no indication that it won't. Mutations are in random directions, and we have already seen that destructive variants are common.
Contagiousness and virulence are not particularly correlated. A more contagious but also more virulent variant could easily emerge. Contagion and virulence only anti-correlate in the case of diseases which kill rapidly so that virulence reduces the period when it can spread.
I've got two Pfizers firstThen Moderna boosterI'll go to Pfizer for the 4thThe 5th (if ever) will be likely Moderna, again. Or, perhaps, the Sanofi/GSK vaccine (liophilized protein), if they ever get their shit together.
I'm getting this as soon as they'll let me, far far from perfect but there is a strong correlation of being vaccinated and avoiding long covid and damn it I don't need more brain fog
If it isn't a category on Pornhub, it should be.
With the funky addendum.
Of the three+ BSDs I'm happiest with FreeBSD, so good work and thanks.You are quite welcome! 🤓
I'm reading a lot about Rust in kernel space, have you looked at that any?I've seen some discussion of it. I don't know if anyone is actively working on it at the moment.
The wiki says there's an e1000 driver in Rust and a KPI for it. I think that's the wave of the future. Pure Rust is a PITA to program in, I've got about 2000 lines of code, but it runs like a scalded dog and it's supposed to be free of the kinds of memory issues you really don't want in privileged space.
The old order passeth and the new taketh away. If systems are going to get rewritten in new languages, give me Rust over C++ anytime.
My company has had a C++ kernel module in the past. I wasn't involved, but my understanding was that it worked fine... except when it didn't; debugging a vmcore was a pain in the ass.
Me too.But the reports on the vaccine always assume a double shot initial vax I feel
"there is no indication that it will ever turn to a very destructive variant again" There is no indication that it won't. Mutations are in random directions, and we have already seen that destructive variants are common.
That is really not how it works because the more contagious/less virulent variant out-competes other variants.
In any case, this is going to be with us and we have to normalize around that fact.
Contagiousness and virulence are not particularly correlated. A more contagious but also more virulent variant could easily emerge. Contagion and virulence only anti-correlate in the case of diseases which kill rapidly so that virulence reduces the period when it can spread.
Not a bad person, but putting yourself more at risk of long covid
I am furious that Ivermectin and bleach were not given equal time in this article. /s
I've got two Pfizers firstThen Moderna boosterI'll go to Pfizer for the 4thThe 5th (if ever) will be likely Moderna, again. Or, perhaps, the Sanofi/GSK vaccine (liophilized protein), if they ever get their shit together.
Stock photo looks like they're waiting for that other Pfizer medicine to kick in.
Boost me, babyTill the juice runs down my arm...
I'm getting this as soon as they'll let me, far far from perfect but there is a strong correlation of being vaccinated and avoiding long covid and damn it I don't need more brain fog