I have not

(I am so not as cool as Jimmy Jam even though I can write vocal harmonies that move in five parts without Autotune on the front end)

Are you giving lessons ...?😊

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So, I am 61, and whether I would qualify is a grey area. I am an old, fat white guy with an auto-immune disorder, but not especially immune compromised. I decided to get the booster because 1) my wife is immune compromised; and 2) I will be flying to Brazil next month (from the country with the worst COVID response to the one with the second worst). I basically said as much in applying for my booster appointment and they jabbed me without so much as a glance.That said, I had almost no reaction to the first two jabs, but the booster put me on my butt for a day.

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And remember, I'm only a Doktor of Rhetoric, not an MD.

But... don't you play one on the internets?

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A shout out to the volunteers testing the mix and match method.

Also too, oh my God: " I think the vial said "ACME Veterinary Supply," so probably I should be safe from bird or coyote flu, but possibly not from crashing into tunnels painted onto sheer cliff walls." I'm so laughing.

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I got the Moderna. What booster should I get for the best protection?

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The Pfizer Gin Pfizz.

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Booster left me with a sore arm that's still sore five days out.

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I was one of the first to get a Moderna booster shot, back in August. I don't know if it was half- or full-dose though. I'm guessing full-dose, because no one was talking about half-doses back then. Either way, I'm still here, still doing whatever Bill Gates tells me to do, and wowing people at parties with my actual human magnetism.

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I got a J&J BJ once. It was very clinical.

Narrator: It was the biggest lie he had told all year.

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Except that a Trump band-aid would give you an infection and then blame antifa.

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Tertiary stage syph?

Checks out.

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Hot damn, I want my J&J booster now! I know the FDA says that you can switch but I feel weird about that given Moderna and Pfizer are RNA vaccines and J&J is not

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So places like England, USA, Brazil and Russia that chose not to enact safety measures have all seen huge number of deaths? What a weird coincidence.

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"Scary brown socialist terrorists with infectious diseases are coming to take over your lake house the lake house we've told you will have some day because our claim that you are a pre-millionaire is the same rotten carrot we keep dangling in front of you ."

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There's nothing like picking up those non-ferromagnetic keys by magnetic attraction!

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Thorax, covered w/keys!! (Iron, schmyron!)

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