I just love it when you talk dirty, Kaili. Say "hoo-hah" again.

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The sexual response for men is divided in 2 parts, arousal and orgasm. They are covered by 2 different parts of the autonomic nervous system and the mnemonic used is 'Point' (parasympathetic) and 'Shoot' (sympathetic).

Since caffeine upregulates the sympathetic ANS, it is no wonder that you would feel like someone trying to feed a twinkie to a parking meter, while women would receive some benefit.

Have a great day!

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The female penis is also known as the clitoris, just in case you were curious.

Have a great day!

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Oh yes, things like Taxol piss me right the hell off. But incidents like those are more the fault of the government, who sold the patents with no stipulations on pricing.

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Is it better than a glass of wine and a Barry White song?

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Yes some of the money will go to useless things like lobbying, and treating diseases that aren't life threatening, debilitating, or have other cheaper treatments already available. But some of it will go to researching useful things. Is the system ideal? Hardly, and I'd love to have a better one. But that doesn't mean it doesn't do some good, or that what we'd replace it with would be guaranteed to be better.

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It's fun doing it for a living too.

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Yeah, but what if the next one is reeeaallly effective with few side effects?.....look out, boys!...they're runnin' wild!....

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Oh, thank god - I thought I must be gay!...

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Nothing new there. The FDA is still stuck with that dumb law from the 80's about approving a certain percentage of drug applications they receive each year. Back when they only got a few dozen applications a year it wasn't a big deal. Now that they get a few hundred, they're legally obligated to approve some drugs with exactly those characteristics: barely any efficacy and craptastic side effects. Or the 7th or 8th drugs in a class, which keeps costs in the system up.

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That is so sad....

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Maybe they're doing clinical trials?

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Looks like you were back on your tails the whole time; survival mode.

C'mon Weej! Pick a line, get forward and carve! You get down the hill much faster that way. If at all.

(Says the guy with the ruined knee.)

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What is truly sad is that research that benefits women's sexuality is so shitty that they green light a bad drug.

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Will Hobby Lobby pay for ladyboner pills? Or just for the male ones?

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