Yeah but these are the same people who thought Biden would be the nominee and thus have executed a very lengthy process (including illegal actions by the president) to discredit him. We all knew that Biden didn't have enough support to get the nomination but they (GOP political hacks) thought he was the presumptive nominee. So, just because they think they have dirt on Bernie, don't assume they really have the goods. They could be bluffing and/or they might just be stupid.

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That 40-year old virgin on graveyard with the mail-order bride?

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They moved on her like a bitch....

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Napoleon got there

Getting back, though

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My uncle went there on a Fullbright fellowship in the 90's and he was liberal, but not a commie. Russia was learning about how to be a capitalist country.

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It's the new BENGHAZI1111!!!! Sheeple

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Of never asking actual liberals to comment on everything. I am sure you are correct.@@

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I'm glad I have Wonkette to watch them for me. I couldn't justify replacing the TV right now if, for instance, a brick were to impact it.

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“King Richard II and Prince Ricardo walk into a Pub....”

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Wonkette is basically my rage filter now. For all the worst stories I come here first so I can digest the evil with a nice seasoning of snark. When I have been overwhelmed by the drip, drip, drip, of evil, apathy, and stupidity elsewhere, I come here to scream into the void with all of you. It takes a village. Thank you all.

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Sunday Show Rundown: Talking heads say a bunch of inane and insane shit on TV. Producers ought to be worried.

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Fox News is trying to get Vince Foster elected. "Whaddya mean, he's dead? How would he run for office if he was dead? Man, you guys take the cake...Oh, he's dead, he can't run for office! Get real! Hillary is trying to steal the election from him! "

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That's not quite how I heard it... which was that Bernie was the candidate the GOP would most want to face in the general because they think their oppo research - which they have yet to use - will tank him easily.

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The Clinton's were not hawkish, that is republican propaganda.

It makes sense that the pros in propaganda would hedge their bets and play both sides.

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I think you are confusing "like" with "Own".

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