As long as they have bales of weed, I am a-0-tay with that. #WeedTrebuchet

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Reichtard shitbag Rush Limbaugh threatened to self-deport to Costa Rica (come for the beaches, stay for the little boys) if the ACA was passed. He's still here. Then again, Sean "Lumpy Bitch" Hannity also promised 10 years ago to get waterboarded for charity and we're still waiting on that as well.

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KKKunterFrau Ingraham always looks like she is using an eggbeater with razor blades as a vibrator on herself while she's on the air, the exact opposite of "Little Tuck-Tuck" Carlson, who hasn't been able to move a facial muscle since 2003 because of botox.

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Well sure... so long as you don't mind taking fire from the Mexican military. Probably not a smart thing to do. (Then again, it's the Dipshit we're talking about here...)

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The Mercers let go of the change they found in the sofas at one of their houses, several million dollars, and found young Repugnicans to distribute the money for the march north and say 'Thank George Soros'. That's liklier than any of the lies that Trump and Ingraham have been seeping/spouting.

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I had the same thought. Why would George Soros give $ to a cause which could at very least prove distracting to the Dems right now? Why wouldn't Putin or the Mercers or the De Vos clan? We've watched the PeeResident publicly shaping an alternate fact for the Psychokiller Sa'udi Princeling. A sort of 'Get-out-of-hell-free' card.You tell me something that's unthinkable, and I'll tell you, you just thought it. This is, after all, ratfucking season.

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"The migrants are on their way, so let's all blame Democrats.""George Soros financed the migrants."These two RWNJ memes don't seem to me to jibe, but maybe that's just me.

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I, for one, would love to see every fucking Republican deported to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Then, maybe, they will understand these men, women and children are trying so hard to get out.

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Ingraham brought a girl from Guatemala here, so she is clearly part of the problem. Right?

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Are any of those people carrying bone saws?

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Slovenian architect my ass.

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She's tracking this scary caravan like White Santa's Christmas Eve ride!

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My friends family is from Honduras. She took her partner for a visit and he was scared shitless. Every family has "bodyguards" if they can afford it. Her aunt's house was burgled whilst she was in it and her body guard shot.

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This is perfect. Thank you for putting my feelings into words. I was raised a union kid and understood the value of people long before I could vote. I was born a brit, am now an American but regard myself as committed to people , not places.

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A whole album by Santana.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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