<i>“It would still give scientists an opportunity to pontificate, and we’re opposed to it.” </i>

They've been 'pontificating' that round Earth crap for centuries now, and Myron has had <i>enough</i>.

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“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” ― Isaac Asimov

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It's done got "laurie" in the name, so wingnuts know, it's probably somethin' faggy and so they are aginst it.

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now for a moment i read 'bill nighy' and i could not get my head around it.

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Doesn't seem fair. Reagan had an Official Astrologer after all.

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If any of these asshats could solve a first year statistics or calculus problem, I would take them more seriously. ... ... HA HA HA. No I wouldn't!

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or "fact".

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Keep in mind the chair of the Science Committee is a young earth creationist who doesn't believe in global warming, wants to eliminate scientific peer review, and thinks that science would benefit from having "political oversight".

This should be no surprise. Look what passes for an Intelligence Committee.

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Don't laugh...wait until you see the winner for the poet laureate spot. Here's a sample...

Science is evil You need to be dumb To enter the kingdom of heaven and make liberals glum.

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And have a stake waiting for you if you disagree.

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But they are all for 'Freedom'.

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The up side is that it saved the nation the embarrassment of President Ted Cruz's appointment of some creation scientist.

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Source: The Onion, right? RIGHT???

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"...allow President Obama to appoint some wild-eyed freak in a lab coat."

Has Michele been playing dress-up again?

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