The massive firings of ICE personnel need to be done up against a wall.

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Or were just really big comics nerds.

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Having to ORDER the fuckers to treat these children like human beings.

No words at all.

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Hey, maybe they did! Just because we’ve learned all our lives to have contempt for that defence doesn’t mean it didn’t lead to a prison sentence instead of being hanged. And one where the sentence was β€œlifeβ€œ but turned out to really be like four years. I don’t know about the Nuremberg trials in enough detail to say. But I have the impression that there came a point where they realized that if they executed everyone who was instrumental in bringing about the Holocaust that they would have to do mass executions and they just didn’t have the stomach for it. An issue on which I can see merit in the arguments on both sides. (The argument on the fewer executions side being we don’t want to turn into monsters.)

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Just so long as these scummy jailers don’t require that to be the food as well. 😳 🧼

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Lab rats are expensive. Little brown kids are free.

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Exactly. And then there’s all the people who *mention the holocaust* but then do absolutely nothing. They feel better afterwards I guess. In concluding let me say, Hong Kong. 😠

PS there needs to be in an enforcement mechanism for fuck sakes! What happens now? The government will get a fine? No. Someone with authority needs to stand over the CBP every fucking day and make sure they feed the kids and don’t take away their beds again. 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

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First off, yes of course there needs to be a border patrol! Or some kind of border personnel. Every country has that. Don’t be an idiot. Also there’s a set of people who are out in the wilderness who help people who are coming across illegally and are half dead when they arrive. I don’t remember if that’s CBP or not. ICE is an absurd unnecessary thing, and the problem with CBP in addition to the policies is that it's just full of insane racist psychopaths.

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Yes. And it’s not revenge. It’s a deterrent, or to β€œdisincentivizeβ€œ future people from going along with illegal acts by the agencies that employ them. If all the torture people under the Bush administration had been jailed, if everyone involved in the Iran Contra had at least gotten 18 months in a federal prison would we be here now? I don’t know, maybe we would. Depends on whether or not congressional Republicans capitulation in the face of Trump is cravenness or they’re all getting paid off. If it’s bribes then the lack of adequate prosecutions earlier wouldn’t matter.

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Oversight is the constant and unrelenting issue. And the private camps have even less than the government run ones. Inspections are infrequent, and when politicians try to do them, they are barred from entering unless they schedule first. I don’t think it’s going to stop here. And I don’t think refugees and immigrants will be the only detainees.

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Revolutions are a lot easier to take (and do) when you know there's people who've got your back.

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Right, yeah, and the administration is jumping right on that old compliance thing. Because that's what this administration does. Nothing more to see here, Judge.

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Maybe ICE could get some shelter training from the Red Cross.

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If they were Prisoners of War, what we do to them would literally be War Crimes.

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No, apparently the French prison-keepers are brutal, but they are not monsters.

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Yeah, I was pretty sure I knew the room...

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