Imagine that! I wonder if someone could employ it to prevent people from suffering future regret from any accidental firearm accidents?

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You know, in the service of this kind of focus on adding safety "just in case," seems like gun range operators should be required to have admitting privileges to nearby hospitals, too.

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Ex. Actly.

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I still remember reading the Carhart decision when it came out and screaming "MOTHERFUCKER" so many times. I knew then that it would have a wide-ranging impact on women's abortion access. This is just the beginning. The next case that goes to SCOTUS will be worse.

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(i am so sorry for your friend).

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The ignorance is oozing from that court. It's that mentality that makes Texas a joke.

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Let me guess, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is made up of all men.

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I regret that Rick Perry's mother did not have an abortion. What an asshole.

Go Wendy, go!

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In a somewhat perverse way, I almost view this as a good thing, in the sense that texas seems determined to CREATE situations that will graphically illustrate why women's healthcare shouldn't be subject to the whims of these fools. I sympathize with the poor women who will have to suffer in the meantime, and I encourage them to FILM EVERY MOMENT of their struggles and share them with everyone.

These idiots still don't realize that we're watching. They didn't think we were watching when they tried to shut Wendy up either.

I just hope people in Texas are watching too.

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It's like these guys never saw Dirty Dancing . . .

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If you analyze the courts' level of skepticism regarding both arguments, you might notice something odd.

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Even in my younger, sluttier days, I would never have considered knocking boots with conservatards. First off, weird and uptight. Secondly, small penises (science fact!).

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More relevant is the fact that they have a high likelihood of being unable to afford large campaign donations.

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Remember a few years ago when a congressman was trying to get frisky with his wife and she saw how he voted on a woman's issue on TV and turned him away? I had high hopes then. (Apologies for the lack of specifics, I can't remember the guy's name).

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I really regret my first marriage, and I sustained it for far too long. Should marriage be illegal?

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A midsummer night's dream reference?

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