I'm actually planning to self-deport. In the meantime, I'll continue to vote for democracy and against fascism.

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If you really want to apply a stereotype/label to the accused killer, you really should start with "male." His immigration status ranks very far below that as part of a criminal profile.

I shouldn't have to point out, but will, that just because a man kills someone does not mean that all men will kill someone. Labels are ridiculous. I am very different from two of my siblings even though we are full siblings. To believe that all undocumented immigrants are the same is so, so silly.

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Legal immigrant here. Proudly not murdering anyone.

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"The exception that proves the rule" - FuX "News"

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fux gnus


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God has also had it with Texas, as He is apparently trying to burn down the entire state. These douchebags are highly flammable.

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I don't blame you for feeling that way, but, as a "good" Texan, I would ask that you avoid painting with such a broad brush...just as Doktor Zoom recommended in the article. On MSNBC this week, Lawrence O'Donnell asked Beto O'Rourke "what is missing from the arguments about the border?" And Beto, my fellow proud El Pasoan, said "what's missing is those of us who live on the border!" Amen to that! Nobody asks us about the wonderful communities on the border. The only "invasion" I see is fear-mongering politicians and dipshit MAGAts trying to stir up trouble!!

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I agree with your point, but I will continue to judge Texas to some extent based on the politicians they choose to represent them. That is within the control of Texas citizens.

I do know that most Texans are not like their politicians.

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I was just being stupid and sparky. I apologize for going overboard.

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Thanks, RintheR, we Wonkettes all gotta stick together! 🥰 Your handle makes me think of Muir Woods above San Francisco...I love the border but I miss the joys of SF!

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I made up the name for the redwood forests a little further north in Humboldt Cty. There is magic in that place.

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Saint Patrick's Day is two weeks away, "Irish need not apply" sign were on display only 100 years ago.

we will always be stupid bigots about that scary person over there, but the lessons are slowly learned.

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I hope you're right, but sometimes I think we just move on to new targets. Today Muslims, Mexicans, women who dare to have sex, atheists, and more are all targets of hate and legal discrimination.

Next election I want a blue cap that says "Hate is not Great" to respond to the MAGA cap.

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Make one and I'll buy it!

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I've been thinking about it. It should be an exact match to the MAGAt's cap except for the color and the word choice. Let's spread the idea and hope someone else will do the work. It could be profitable.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

THEY, meaning MAGAturds, Nazis, fascist racists, etc, will always be stupid bigots. Not 'we.'

And it is completely debatable that those subhumans will 'learn the lessons' before they manage to bring on the final pus-filled apocalypse.

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Another judge in Texas handed down a decision that the House of Representatives allowing voting by proxy was unconstitutional and legislation passed using proxy voting is illegal.

Despite the fact that the Constitution clearly says that the branches of Congress have unilateral authority to adopt the rules of organization and procedure.

Seriously, do these guys even know how to lawyer?

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They just define it differently. For example, they rewrite what the Constitution says to suit themselves. They have also done this with the Bible.

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FedSoc WHORES who graduated last in their shitty law-school class? Of course not.

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And they're saying it's unConstitutional, but just for these certain bits.

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It's so unusual, for me anyway, to dream of smells, it comes as quite a shock when it happens.

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Stroke-in Chief will never make it to November what worries me is the rabble he leaves behind!

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So this con happened to me on Friday:

A van pulled over with a family in it who asked for my help. They identified themselves as muslims from Dubai who were on the West Coast of the US touring mosques before Ramadan. It was a couple in their mid-30s with three young children. The wife had left the door of their van unlocked and their wallet and bank cards, ID, all their money, etc. had been stolen. They needed to get back to San Diego so they could fly back home. Could I help them get gas in their rental car? Okay I said, my guard lowered because of the kids.

On the way to the gas station they started handing me their jewelry, "gold" rings and "gold" necklaces to compensate me for helping them. I tried refusing them but they insisted. After I filled them up with gas for $50, they said they needed more help to buy airline tickets. The father pleaded with me, dramatically taking my hand over and over, and saying the "gold" would compensate me until they could pay me back. I didn't have any cash on hand but I offered to take them to an ATM to get a cash advance on my CC. Which I did for $1000 which was the max I could get.

On the way there they kept thanking me telling me I could come visit them in Dubai where they would pay all my expenses, I was family now- "Uncle." The man showed me a picture of his "father" who was loaded with "gold" jewelry and who was, of course, a "millionaire." They had "oil money." The father showed me another photo of an expensive sports car and said he was a luxury car dealer back in Dubai. The wife showed me a picture of 50 different gold coins she had collected (yeah I bet) when I mentioned I had one or two myself. After soaking me for $1000 they of course needed more money so they took me to Walmart to get them gift cards.

As I am writing this I can't believe I fell for their BS, it seems so obvious! But I have been helped out before in very tough circumstances by kind and generous people and so I sunk cost fallacy-ed myself deeper into the con.

At Walmart when I tried purchasing two visa gift cards for $500 the management wanted to know what I was going to buy with them. I said apparently airline tickets. "I'm sorry," they said, "We can't authorize these cards being purchased for anything bought online." And that was that. Smart management. I wish it had ended there.

But no, we went to two more locations where first they got $800 + from me on four different gift cards and then finally at a different store my card got declined because the computers finally sniffed out the fraud before I did.

But wait there's more! I let them into my office. I gave them an actual real gold ring that was my father's. They tried for more cash and more gold from me (The gold coins are somewhere but thank goodness I don't know exactly where at the moment due to a recent and rather chaotic move) before finally realizing their mark's well had run dry and thus, moved on.

And when I went to a pawn shop I trust today they confirmed that the almost pound of "gold" jewelry I had from them was fake. I immediately got in touch with my credit union's fraud department and then called local law enforcement. At first the cops wouldn't consider what happened a criminal matter. But when I reminded them that the Cons hadn't offered to pay me back, that somehow transformed it into a criminal matter. When I questioned the officer's supervisor about the difference between a con and a fraud he said because they offered me their fake gold, even though fake, they weren't "buying" something from me, just giving me a "gift." Not having an exact date of repayment (the Cons said they would get in touch with me) also makes them harder to prosecute because they can weasel their way out of actual fraud charges by saying of course they agreed to pay me...later...whenever...(= never.)

So, nearly $2,000 later (that is nearly a month's worth of income that I can ill afford to lose,) I am offering this tragic tale not for pity nor to be a target of derision (I'm taking care of that myself believe me) although fairly deserved, but as as cautionary tale. Don't be me!

~Every option I thought up for them to help themselves managed to get shot down.

~I never asked for actual proof about any of their claims, I let them pass off one outrageous claim after another. In money situations with unknown individuals get some kind of proof.

~I had every opportunity to help in non-financial ways but let myself get swept up by the fake drama of the situation.

~Don't get fooled by innocent children accompanying their parental fraudsters, they are marks too just a different kind.

~Don't help more than you can stand to lose. I'm going to be okay eventually it's just going to take a minute.

I'm sure there's more. Thanks for letting me get this down and out of my head. This isn't the first con I've fallen for unfortunately, but maybe just maybe it will be my last.

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omg, did I just get scammed reading this story? I think I fell for this once around 25 years ago for $10 "gas money". And never fell for it again. These days with phones you can pix their plates ( & maybe faces, flip the script and tell 'em your friends would be so impressed you met oil barons from Dubai! , would you take a selfie with me? )

Ouf - getting into a van with a crew of foreign strangers - I could never be that trusting.

My CC would never let me get anywhere near that far. Got busted spending ~$100 on Amazon and at checkout it asked if I wanted to donate $2 to whatever and said yes. The CC locked my card - said it was and "unusual spending pattern". 2 bucks!!! I wonder if the donation was a scam bit - one never knows as nearly everywhere you shop these days they do that.

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If I was suspicious enough to do what you suggested then I would never have fallen for their scam to begin with. Hindsight is amazing in its clarity. Sorry that reading about my experience felt like you just got scammed, especially since it was my intention to send out a heads up to be aware of this sort of thing. Maybe you just have a naturally more suspicious nature and that has served you well. However, just like I have my doubts when someone proclaims that they would never behave in an inhumane way towards someone because blah blah blah, I also doubt that provided with the right con or scam, that a person wouldn't fall for it. Nobody is 100% scam-proof, unfortunately. But I hope that $10 is the only money you ever get taken for!

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Sorry that those people took advantage of your good nature. IF they were actually Muslim, and there is some single Supernatural Being, I hope They see your willingness to help from both a Christian and Islamic perspective.

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Once in Atlanta a guy came up to me at a bus stop and started talking about how his car ran out of gas and he never asked people for money before but could I possibly --

"Tell you what," I said, pulling out my wallet. "I'll give you five dollars if you don't make me listen to your bullshit story."

He plucked the $5 from my hand and disappeared into the night.

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I was putting gas in my car one time when a guy walked up and asked for money for gas. I told him I had a gas can in my car, and once I was done filling up my tank I'd fill the gas can for him. He walked away.

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LOL. I think your ATL guy has hit the West Coast & traded up!

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i don't know. i think i've heard this story a million times or more (why is it always a gas station story BTW???) - but then i'm a stone cold bitch.

on the other hand, the part of me that started doing social outreach a decade ago says maybe there is a benefit here and maybe you did just fine.

it's like a social tax we can choose to pay because as a society we choose not to fund the folks that need help.

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Good perspective. Thank you!

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I have fallen more than twice for a con that involves someone coming up to me in a parking lot with a sob story.

It's not that I believed the sob stories; it's more that I was raised Catholic with all of that Be the Helper rhetoric, and I could afford to give the cash that was in my wallet (never very much).

My thought is always what a stressful life conning must be, and if you need my $20 that bad, take it and leave me alone.

Only once did I allow myself to be led to the ATM, and that was only for $60.

Movie depictions notwithstanding, nobody's getting rich off of parking lot scams. Not even the people who took you for so much more than I was taken for.

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I got that same thing but was only out a $40 tank of gas. When he asked me for cash and I said I didn't carry any, he said "There's an ATM inside. Go get me some" I wished him well and told him no. Shit I can barely walk from the car to the gas pump. He kept trying to give me his gold bracelet. I bet it would have turned my skin green in ten minutes.

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Wish I had the sense to stop at just the gas pump. Glad you were only out $40.

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I'm sorry you went through this. Some people can be quite persuasive and will take advantage of our willingness to help those in need.

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It is weird. I have pretty good radar for lots of stuff but my armor isn't infallible. Pretty sure I would have stopped at gas $$ if their kids weren't in tow, or at least that's what I like to think.

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Maybe it's better to be open than suspicious of everyone. But god it hurts sometimes.

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I did look up how much gold is worth right now and let myself enjoy a minute (maybe more) of fantasizing what I could do with my new "hoard."

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Yeah, you're human.

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deletedMar 3
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Thanks. I've been a part of the Wonkette non-commenting community for years now and have benefited greatly from many others baring their souls and letting us see their scabby knees and other scars so I figured it was my turn with this latest craziness I just experienced.

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deletedMar 3
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A con's a con, but bringing their children along while obvs effective (it helped hook dopey me!) makes me concerned for those kids' well-being then and even more so now.

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Paper Moon

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deletedMar 3
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Maybe I am still in shock, or when my bills show up this month that I will be struggling to cover my rage will emerge, but I'm more sad than mad.

I have to try and get exact transaction times if possible from the CC company and share them with the officer who's investigating so they can narrow the amount of time they need to scan the videos for ID purposes. Delays are def working in the con's favor.

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Hell of a price to pay for being a good person and choosing to believe the best of other people.

No good deed goes unpunished.

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That was one of my Ex's fav sayings.

I had a car stolen (and some personal effects inside of it which added to the feelings of violation) that ended up getting completely dismantled for parts way back when I was a taxi driver. Turns out it was our dispatcher's son who was Mr. GTA. He wanted my 5-speed transmission for his 4-speed. The detective on the case was pretty amazing actually and was able to nab him and I got some restitution initially. Then it dried up. After a while I discovered where Car Thief was working and had his wages garnished oh noes! I never got all of what I was owed but picturing bozo boy when he got his paycheck for .00 cents was enjoyable. He quit pretty soon after that.

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deletedMar 3
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deletedMar 3
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I am mildly curious as to what their actual story is. They put a lot of emotional energy onto this scam. I guess just asking for money is too risky, better to put on the parasite costume and cruise for victims.

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The movie is over if you'd like to join us there for OT!

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Well, that was interesting...

Peanut butter Rice Krispies treats are done. Melting the chips was an experience, though. The microwave was sparking when I tried to melt the chips. I switched to a different bowl, one I knew was microwave-safe--still sparking. Then I noticed a *metal* spatula was leaning, business end flush against the side of the microwave. I moved the offending spatula, and no more sparking.

@Cookie Lady, I mixed butterscotch and semi-sweet chocolate together--the spread looks more like milk chocolate now. I'm waiting for it to cool before trying the finished product, but the spread does get a thumbs-up from Mrs. Hero.

And btw, Offending Spatula is the name of my PDQ Bach tribute orchestra.

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Careful, spatch probly radioactive now...

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Congrats Ohio spherical sportsball man.

LeBron James reached 40,000 points Saturday night, still going strong in his 21st NBA season as he tries to put the career scoring record out of reach.

James, 39, has also played the second-most regular season and most playoff minutes in league history. He is the only NBA player with at least 10,000 points, 10,000 rebounds and 10,000 assists.

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wow, what a bunch of idjits

"Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’"


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did you hear the interviews with malcolm turnball? what the world (in turnball's telling) was witnessing with trump and putin?!?


so fucking gross and can we 1. please fucking fund ukraine and 2. not elect this PoS again?

jesus it's not that hard america.

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TFG worships Putin, wants to be just like him.

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I went to school years ago with a crazy person. I maintain a li on FB just for tracking purposes.

Anywho this dude is your MAGAt's MAGAt. Absolutely shitbonkers. And his feed is full of all this Russia is our true friend shit. Tons of shit about the evil that needs to be cleansed in Ukraine. This will move more mainstream as the election nears.

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Trump voters are stooopitt fucking robots. And they are twunts, also too.

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not all of them . . . some are just assholes.

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Auntie Beeb tells us another orca has had dinner...


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Needs to bulk up to take out more yachts

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Gottdammit! My steak & eggs & latte & guinness & protein shake breakfast is haunting me. I'm here watching Justified and at every scene change, I have to run to the can. This is the life in paradise.


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Those protein shakes are bad for you.

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Give them to Lil Fella, he looks hungry. Or annoyed. Mostly annoyed and hungry. It might adjust his attitude in a positive direction. Or maybe his altitude.

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Today I walked to the UPS store to return a hat I bought on Amazon (through the Wonkette link).

I immediately turned around and bought a different hat on Amazon for the same price.

I hope this one works out. But you never know.

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I can't buy clothing items online. I need to see them, feel them, try them on. Same with most consumer goods, really, but if there's a good deal to be had, I can be persuaded.

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deletedMar 3
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I need them, but I can't find one that fits and doesn't itch and doesn't fuck too much with my hair now that it's short.

I had better luck with longer hair.

Hoods work. Hoods are great.

I bought today's hat thinking it might be a compromise between hat and hood.

We'll see. The UPS store is two blocks away if not.

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deletedMar 3·edited Mar 3
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DO IT! :)

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