Wow, really? I hadn't thought about that. Oh, it does remind me, there's also the temporary blindness from muzzle flash in your unlit bedroom at 2am, after your fart wakes you up with visions of sneaky BLM antifa thugs breaking into your castle.

I don't know how much worse an AR-15 would be over a regular .22 revolver in the dark, but kind of moot after you shoot your kids through the walls.

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The hair on their back stands up quite impressively when they're pissed.

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I thought the same thing.

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the old 'one thing you said is wrong so i will focus on semantics and not the merits of the argument because my position is indefensible in decent society' argument - that certainly has proven your superiority in all things

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I think I saw a documentary about that or something similar. It showed the dogs in action. They sort of took turns sleeping and patrolling and if one noticed something the others came to help.

Dogs are pretty awesome. It's no accident they've been partners with people for thousands of years. (A lot longer than guns have existed.)

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The dude in the black hoodie gives me mass shooter vibes. Is that just me?

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This case is not about extraordinary weapons lying at the outer limits of Second Amendment protection.

due to decades of relentless lobbying and propaganda by the criminal (allegedly) organization they call NRA and their allies in high places.

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You can't carve a turkey with an AR-15, although I'm sure someone in Texas has tried.

rhymes with Shmed Shmooze?

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A friend of my Dad had a bolt action Swiss military rifle. Only straight-pull bolt action I've ever seen.

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I'm sure she still has to report in...

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There are a number of manufacterers making clones.

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Why not both?

Are Rhodesian Ridgebacks good, too?

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Assault weapone never went away. In California there are a bunch of limitations that don't exist in other states, but you can still buy a semiauto AR-15 clone without a class III permit. It's nuts.

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