Live by the judges, die by the judges.

Can’t wait to see Republicans swivel right back to “unelected judiciary activism” talking points right after popping another champagne cork over 10-year-olds being forced to give birth to their rapists.

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Fond though I am of St Jude, patron of lost causes, in this case the rescue came from a judge.

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This is why DeSantis is the Republican front runner. He’s bad at government, but good at being a performative asshole, which is all republican voters want. For the billionaires steering the fascist ship, he’ll give them their tax and regulation cuts with less of the overt criminality, obvious incompetence and overt racism.

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The future face of the Republican Party everyone, same as the old face.

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Since GQP types are always defending shit like this, it begs th eff question "why are the passing unconstitutional laws?"

Do they hate America?

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So what will Future UF President Sasse have to say about this?

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The Economist sent me as free copy of the magazine yesterday to remind me of how much I surely missed reading their recipe every week.

This gem stuck out:

"Consumer goods giants raised prices to offset lower sales volumes...[a number of them] reported a rise in quarterly earnings."

So lower demand resulted in higher prices? That's not how any of this shit is supposed to work.

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Does anyone give a damn that people like DeSantis who throw around the word woke are mocking the suffering of Black people?

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He’s probably waxing [his crom] poetic over the opportunity

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Crom love Judge Walker indeed! Guess he is officially on the Federalist Society’s list of unqualified judges (gods help me if such a list exists).

Oh, and I adore anyone who will quote Orwell properly in a judicial order.

Now, when this eventually gets to SCOTUS, we can all have a mass conniption fit over what the majority decides.

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I think the funniest thing is that the entire Florida GOP came together to try to make a bill spell “Woke” and ended up with WAOKE but have to pretend the word “against” doesn’t exist

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Serious question: is there any big-name Republican who isn’t a performative asshole? Hell, is there one who’s actually good at government?

I don’t think so.

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“Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees Act”

What the hell is WAOKE?

They wanted a catchy acronym, and the best I can figure out is “Stop WAKE.”

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I'll never understand this.

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That’ll protect the coastal areas from the effects of climate change!I think we’ve exchanged ‘Demos’ for ’Derpos.’

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Proof, well, more proof, this (waves arms and hands) is not unfettered free market capitalism. It's a oligopoly . For instance. The eyedrops selection is mostly the same at the Friday harbor pharmacy as the selection at the king soopers on n college.

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