Fuck up again and have to come back to my court for a gawd damn explaination about marriage and you will see just what gay legitimate rape feels like once I jail your dumbasses Now get the fuck out of my court

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I see what you did there. Smiles

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Rare case of a Granade-powered rocket.

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They're just trying to defend the sanctity of their sacred Constipation and such as.

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Do not question the lady holding the large wooden gavel if you know what's good for you.

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And we thank you for it.

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I blame Enver Hoxha.

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Those Alabama probate judges just wanted marriage equality rammed down their throats a second time. They just won't admit it.

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When the U.S. Marshal takes Judge Moore and probate judges into custody, maybe the concept of federal supremacy will sink in. As a federal judge explained to me when a state judge scheduled a trial the same time as a trial before him, "He may be able to throw you in jail, but I can order you out to come pick a jury here."

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Back in 2003, Republican Alabama goobernor Bob Riley went to the lege and said, "Dudes, I'm Republican like you, and I hate government and poor people and people of color just like you do. So you gotta listen when I tell you that our public schools are a joke and will get worse if we don't raise taxes and spend more on them."

And the lege said, "Nah mang, we ain't gonna do that."

And they didn't. <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2003\/06\/04\/national\/04BAMA.html" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/04/national/04BAMA...">http://www.nytimes.com/2003...

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Q: What about Lynyrd Skynyrd? A: Yes

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<i>"...God will now be raining hellfire and frogs down on [Alabama]..."</i>

God explained "This will be an improvement."

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And they love the governor... just not in <i>that</i> kind of way.

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Neither will his constituency.

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