That is a disturbing thought.

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See that's the thing. No one promised him shit. He's just pulling it out of hi fat ass again.

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Thanks for reminding me why and how much I loathe and detest Jeff Sessions, Dok. Oh, and how do I get on the Soros payroll? It seems every lefty but me is getting paid, and I email, sign petitions, and march. Where do I sign up? I really, really, really need the money.

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The GOP is extraordinarily incompetent at getting stuff done, even passing their own bills. They've had eight years of practice breaking stuff, so they're pretty good at that.

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Sam Bee did one better. She bought them a house near a detention center in Texas so they'd have someplace to stay.

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I am leaning toward the view that others have expressed, that the GOP has put so much energy for so long into keeping anything from being done, and finding hinky workarounds to interfere with the law, that they no longer have any idea how to actually govern.

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GAH -- I am very very wrong and misread a source: 16,331 was an all-time MONTHLY high. The total for 2016 was more like 91K, and 2017 may well be higher. Sorry about that!

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You are right. My mistake -- I was including the first Congressional term of Obama's presidency, in which they were TRYING to break stuff but could not always do so.

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So, Beto is a responsible legislator rather than a partisan hack? Hmm.

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OK, that made me lol...

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Yeah, it's really costly for Soros since they are appointed for life.

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They’re going after all the Not-Bernies except for Tulsi Gabbard.

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A Christmas gift from the GOP!

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What's left out of so much reporting is the actual number of people granted asylum per year, which is something like just 14,000, not exactly enough to overrun us.

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