You make a good point, dolls could be a good substitute and life size dolls as well.

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Awakened by playful cat after four solid hours of sleep. Saw headline, "Portland Police Barrier Breached by Protesters".Came here for more info. Read first three paragraphs of non-comment. Blinked twice.Decided to go back to sleep.

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Ta, Jamie Lynn.

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"The State has not pointed to any instance in which a protester was subjected to state violence because she believed she was resisting a kidnapping."

Sounds like instructions to protestors as to how to get a better rulling - resist unidentified people who try to put you in a van - giving the feds a license to beat them for "resisting arrest". Escalate much?

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Nah, since the pretext is bullsht anyway a new excuse will be used.

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Genuine legal/constitutional question from someone not from the US. As unlikely as it is to happen what if a State instructed it's police force to actually protect its citizens right to protest including resisting federal forces attacking those rights?

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This is a term used to describe a technique that has been notoriously used in Argentina, N Ireland, Mexico and elsewhere when people are taken into custody. The uncertainty of the whereabouts and fate of those taken both protects the perpetrators and is a psychological tool in conflict, as described by Heinlein in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

"Prof. why get rid of bodies? Besides horrible job, was dangerous. Don't know how many bodyguards Warden has, but more could show up while you were doing it.""Believe me, lad, we feared that. But although I was almost useless, it was my idea, I had to convince the others. Oh, not my original idea but remembrance of things past, an historical principle.""What principle?""Terror! A man can face known danger. But the unknown frightens him. We disposed of those finks, teeth and toenails, to strike terror into their mates. Nor do I know how many effectives the Warden has, but I guarantee they are less effective today. Their mates went out on an easy mission. Nothing came back."

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Tape your shoes. Cops use shoes to identify people in masks.

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Bravo.Great ëreply.Keep thinking and writing [saw your comment at Wonkette

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At their age, I was reading Malcolm X and pasting together punk zines.It's all memes, TikTok and video games. 6 seconds and then swiped away.At this point, even marches get a shrug from the Money and Power class; They always forget that desperate people with nothing to lose are willing to go to further and further extremes.

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Perth is at the top of the list.

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It's new one for me too. It seems to be really recent but, I just go with the flow. I understand spanish is very gender specific and Latino would really only mean males and Latina would only mean females and you would never call a female Latino even though we have for a long time . I don't understand the 'x' at all but, even the government in California is using it now. Latino is still used a lot but, there is obviously someone pushing hard to change that. If you figure out what it is about let me know.

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Haha. Will do. I kinda missed that transition so I’m not up on the latest usage but to me if you say someone is Latin then that’s neutral and I’d have thought it could apply to any gender.

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Out last night chanting "this is what democracy looks like", and just kept thinking "but is it, though?" As the tear gas and rubber shrapnel hit, it felt more like the chant ought to be "this is what desperation looks like."Felt damn good to be out there against the barricade, though.

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I wonder if the judge would feel the same if someone in his family got "disappeared" by Hair Furor's SS squads?

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