Well regarding the estimate of deaths, I think they are assuming a maximum infection rate less than the total population. Which means if say 15% of the population get it, and 1% of those die, you get 330,000,000 x 0.15 x .01 = 500,000 deaths. 15% is not unreasonable; in Germany after a very in-depth serum testing study they determined the overall infection rate in a heavily impacted community was 15%. The infection death rate (as opposed to the case death rate) is definitely still a guesstimate though.

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Kick them in the shins - it's your choice

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did you inhale though?

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It's a lot more common than you think

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It's usually not fetuses they're "protecting." It's blastocysts, zygotes ... yes, clumps of cells. Forced birther bullshit.

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Contrarians rushing to the beaches explain wearing face masks leaves weird tan lines.

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Curious if Florida-style "stand your ground" laws would apply. My guess the effectiveness of that defense would depend on the skin color of the participants (standee? grounder? whatever). Lighter skin, gets the win.

For the record though this is all very fucked up.

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"If you're preborn, you're fine. If you're pre-k, you're fucked." - George Carlin

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They're pretending that concern because they miss being catered to by those desperate for enough money to have a place to sleep and food. That's why they're so obsessed with reopening restaurants and salons.

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That's beause it's mansneezes that cause pregnancy... D;

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He's another BornAgain like Kirk Cameron and DJ Tanner.

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Ah, them sonzabishes! I forgot. I am old. I am old. And I wear my trousers rolled.

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On the sly, yes. ;-)

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Accurate. Your bile has a rhythm like waves against a docked boat on Lake Winnipesaukee in October.

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Dear "Pro-Lifers":

So....say I have the COVID virus, but am asymptomatic. I go out, meet my friend who's pregnant and pass on the virus to her. She dies, as does her fetus. Why shouldn't I be prosecuted for murder?

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(Some of us A Olds still need cheaters, even with our contacts....)

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