How dare we teachers treat kids like human beings regardless of race, sex, identity, and religion!

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Is there something preventing teachers and students with "sincerely held beliefs " from working at or attending private religious schools? Public education is meant to be, and must remain, secular. There are alternatives for those poor, put upon, "loving" Christians

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Joy should change her name to Vitriol.

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Chaya Raichik will become DeSantis' Secretary of Education

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Imagine, if you will, a world where people have their heads so far up their own asses that “Be nice to children” is controversial.

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We haven’t heard from Todd Starnes in a while, so I guess someone was bound to fill the void.

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I'm going to need the bible verses which deny the existence of transpeople and trump the command to love your neighbor.

Oh, no, I won't because we don't live in a theocracy, Joy. So even if you could rip a verse out of context, it doesn't matter.

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Not a fan of 'students are customers'. I don't think the sentiment would lose anything by being simply stated by the next sentence 'school is for them, not the teachers'.

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Students aren’t the customers; they’re the product.

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It takes some mental gymnastics to define anti racism as racist. This woman is either deluded, willfully ignorant or purposely stirring shit just because she can. It’s been a long time since I was a student in Lutheran schools, but one overarching theme was that Jesus said for us to love one another. He didn’t say a whole hell of a lot about LBGTQ or critical race theory, so how this is violating anyone’s “religious beliefs” is a fucking mystery. I’d love it if a teacher or a board member at in this school system showed up at court with a Bible and pointed out several packages showing that these idiots shouting religious discrimination are in fact, violating their (the teacher’s) religious beliefs. I hate these people so much! Love you guys! Happy MLK Day!

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Yeah- money! Religious schools don’t pay as much and they cost more for parents. But if they’re so damned pious money shouldn’t be an object, right?

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It’s just pathetic ultimately how much this is a spastic tantrum at losing the gay rights battle, and so they’re turning their anger at the one queer marginalized group it’s still the most acceptable to belittle.

Really don’t remember the part of the Bible where Jesus humiliated a trans girl for existing

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>>> That will likely come as quite a surprise to the many Christians, Jews and Muslims who are not, in fact, transphobic bigots.

I’m wondering what this percentage is….I don’t think it’s above single digits in many places, esp in MAGAt country

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Victimization is like cream to these people - they learned that they can claim to be victims and credulous nitwits will buy it.

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We do not live in a theocracy, but after Dobbs, we can see one from here….

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Have you watched what fundies do to their kids in the guise of love?

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