You know, it occurs to me that well over half of the comments I don't make around here could get me into a hell of a lot of trouble if anyone were to ever take them out of context. Ah, well. I wasn't planning on running for president, anyway.

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You can't drag a case out for 45 years without help from the federal judge overseeing the case. I wonder who finally retired.

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Next up: Chicago.

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Better get there with Jacksons instead of Tubmans though. We only have a few years left!

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Yes! I managed to score a cast-iron Mr. Ed lunch pail! It'll be the glue that holds my collection of curios together.

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"We have come to a decision."

"That's good. Let's hear it."

"We have decided..........that you are not orcs." https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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And we've resolved all of our racial problems so the Voting Rights Act is no longer needed, right Chief Justice Roberts?

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SMOD: 95.79%

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OK, I accept that, thanks for explaining, but it's akin to "girls" which is definitely demeaning to an adult woman. In general, if a man calls a woman "hon" it indicates an intimate relationship, otherwise it's a turn-off and can sound condescending unless used by a man who is obviously older than me.

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If I use words of that nature condescendingly, it is ALWAYS while snarking on trolls and such. Nothing gets one of those twits riled up like being called 'sweetie.'

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Most Louisiana parishes have just one public school district, but a few special ones (including where I live) have split into a "city" district and a "parish" district because reasons. Not their fault if all the white people happen to move just outside the city limits, now is it? Blech.

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Prolly Dora Charles's recipe.

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Change I can believe in.

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If the Climate Change which they deny continues unabated then vacant land will become available. Polar Bears aren't picky about their meals.

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Stay long enough to have breakfast at Sambo's.

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The biggest hurdle will be to find the money to double up on the number of drinking fountains and rest rooms to accommodate both Black and White students.

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