You want hilarity .. read the comments! Combine equal parts religious insanity and YouTube-level literacy, and STAND BACK!

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I bet he smokes. Here in rural Virginia people will bitch endlessly about having to do without as they pull out a fresh pack of cigarettes. But it being Virginia, a pack is only about five bucks so smoking a pack a day costs less than two grand a year!

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I blame my job. I really do need to focus more on my eating habits.

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Ok, mom. More carrots it is. Maybe some celery too?

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hey joan, i don't think you mean powers TO be.

but i like the concept.

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No so much on the liquid end. Solid relief is what I am trying to delicately refer to.

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Damask of terror no more.

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I saw a sticker before the 2008 election that read "Voldemort votes Republican". I like that one better.

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Here it comes: "Obama administration goes soft on terror suspects".

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<i>"No muslins, no problems."</i>

He couldn't be more right. If it weren't for them meddlin' muslins the Catholics and Protestants would have gotten along. It was muslins who allowed slavery in the South causing civil war and racism and whatnot. Of course WWII would have been settled with a handshake and a brandy snifter instead of those nukes. Damn muslins. Why can't they be more Christian?

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The corduroy men have a much lower threat potential. You can always hear them coming.

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I've never met Joe Smith but based on his statements he's just another asshole with an opinion with a Facebook page. Which is why I don't like Facebook or Joe Smith because of assholes.

Joe, just shut the fuck up. Also, nice catch. I would recommend blackening that large mouth bass but I know guys like you believe anything blackened means ni**er and you sure don't want them in your community - like muslins.

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The Hobbs comment is the best. I bet he doesn't even know about Stalin's "No man, no problem". And Stalin was the leader of why kind of political ideology?

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