Cuz they are too busy obsessing about some fetus and its right too own an AK47 and buy health care that covers nothing for $50 a month.

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Why bother? Mellow out. Jeez.

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News flash for Mike Elliott: Whatever the fuck the Feds are up to, they aren't "enforcing state regulations." What have you been smoking, man? (Oh, right...)

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I can see the ads now: "Smoke <i>GALTS.</i> The taste of freedom."

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Josef K.'s attorney told reporters that he has not been able to find out what the charges are.

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BASTARDS!! On top of this Washington State is going to eliminate the medical pot provisions due to the legalization vote. This means a med pot patient (me, in my dreams) would no longer be able to possess a 60-day supply of <b>24 OUNCES AND FIVE PLANTS</b> but be restricted to one ounce or whatever.

What this country needs is a good $20 bag of Blueberry Kush.

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