Maybe he should've stuck to using the words he knows, because he doesn't appear to be using the big ones right, because back in the day politicians used to traduce the fuck out of each other. Either that, or he's just an ignorant fuck. Oh yeah, that's it, he's just an ignorant fuck: gridlock has never been this bad, as the statistics well prove. Well, he might be a lying fuck I guess, but he's probably all of them, Katie.

Also, someone probably ought to point out to Jackass that if gridlock prevents Congress from passing any bills, that prevents them from buying any military equipment (including ammunition) and from paying troops. That kinda weakens our defenses. And given society isn't a dude, I don't know how one would go about emasculating it.

Besides, what's a Jewish doing writing about the End Times? I thought that was a New Testament feverdream.

And that's all the very brief skimming of WND my stomach can stand for this decade.

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Could be the White Angel, but needz moar dentistry.

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You know exactly why.

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well pretty much the only references i got in that were pangloss and myrmidons but i've always liked voltaire and i was in '12th night' three times and feste says a bunch of crap you always have to look up.


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I'm a big fan of Votaire (it was mutual), so "Panglossian" was a gimme, but I had to look up "moliminous". I think the word peaked in popularity in the 1800s, where it was used <a href="http:\/\/books.google.com\/ngrams\/graph\?content=moliminous&amp\;year_start=1800&amp\;year_end=2008&amp\;corpus=0&amp\;smoothing=0" target="_blank">once or twice a decade. </a> We're talking some <a href="http:\/\/books.google.com\/books\?id=f4kNAQAAIAAJ&amp\;q=moliminous#search_anchor" target="_blank">seriously obscure shit</a> here.

Thanks Jack, for improving my Scrabble game, but seriously ... wtf is the point of laying out these carefully-harvested $45 words in front of WND readers?

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This is why budding Scientologists don't get the wackadoodle Xenu tale until they have at least $100k invested in the scam.

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Camel doodoo? Yeah, that's the stuff.

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From "In the past, it was invariably the Grand Old Party going along to get along" and going all the way back to Creation itself, Abramoff's revisionist history is bullshit. I know from fallen angels, and I say it's bullshit.

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Much to Jack's delight, he's discovered that it's perfectly legal to be an intellectual fraud.

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This reminds me for some reason of the miracle of metabolism, where food becomes poop.

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When one goes to prison, is their a gang of has-been white collar criminals who sit around see who can find the most esoteric adjectives in Websters? Good Lord, this WTF dribble is like The Princess of Wasilla attempting to explain Bernoulli's Principle of Fluid Dynamics.

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A few of his Congressional homies are still in office, you know.

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Put some granny glasses on him and he'd look like the Gestapo face melting dude from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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