In an elegant reply to politicians who aren't scientists but don't mind ignoring experts who are, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has come up with a simple solution: States whose governors decide there's no need to plan for the consequences of a changing climate
Sweeeeeet. So, basically what you're saying is that due to the misfortune of living in a state where the actual, living embodiment of Voldemort runs the show, I will now:- lack access to healthcare, because NO EXPANSION FOR YOU!- have a greater chance of dying in prison, because who cares if the prison population is unchanged, let's cut millions from the budget anyway!- be unable to send my children to college if they wanna study something frou-frou and worthless, like the humanities- oh, and: drown, as my Gulf Coast town is swallowed up by a hurricane/incessant flooding/oil spill/sinkhole (choose any or all of the above)
Duncan Hunter, I think. Whose name, I might add, always appears as "Dick Hunter" when I glance at it.
I can't remember who else was in the running...Steve King, natch....Candice Miller...Ron (?) from Wisconsin (I want to say Ron Johnson but I don't think that's correct).
Really, there's no shortage of idiocy, or candidates to win such a dubious distinction.
I will soon be setting up a gofundme site so everyone can sponsor my relocation to a landlocked state with sensible elected officials. There are still places like that, right? Right?!?
I used to do legal work for insurance companies, defending them when large questionable claims were made. You are correct. I believe the Lloyd's syndicates excluded coverage for global warming several in the late '90s. (Though I'm sure for an extra premium ...).
"The new policy would only apply to grants aimed at disaster preparedness — funding for FEMA assistance following natural disasters would not be affected."
Too bad. I'm tired of bailing out these idiots after every wildfire, mudslide and hurricane only to have them thank God. It's time to make these people live according to their sincerely-held beliefs.
As a North Florida resident with a home one block from the intracoastal waterway, I am fine with this. In a few years I will have waterfront property which I can sell at an inflated price to New York retirees who think St Augustine is Fort Lauderdale.
Odd, my Dad claims he don't need no fancy computer, but when I point out his car has computers, he refuses to drive a Model T...
Sweeeeeet. So, basically what you're saying is that due to the misfortune of living in a state where the actual, living embodiment of Voldemort runs the show, I will now:- lack access to healthcare, because NO EXPANSION FOR YOU!- have a greater chance of dying in prison, because who cares if the prison population is unchanged, let's cut millions from the budget anyway!- be unable to send my children to college if they wanna study something frou-frou and worthless, like the humanities- oh, and: drown, as my Gulf Coast town is swallowed up by a hurricane/incessant flooding/oil spill/sinkhole (choose any or all of the above)
Yay, Florida!
Duncan Hunter, I think. Whose name, I might add, always appears as "Dick Hunter" when I glance at it.
I can't remember who else was in the running...Steve King, natch....Candice Miller...Ron (?) from Wisconsin (I want to say Ron Johnson but I don't think that's correct).
Really, there's no shortage of idiocy, or candidates to win such a dubious distinction.
Yes, you do live in an unfortunate state. You should move to a better one.
I will soon be setting up a gofundme site so everyone can sponsor my relocation to a landlocked state with sensible elected officials. There are still places like that, right? Right?!?
I used to do legal work for insurance companies, defending them when large questionable claims were made. You are correct. I believe the Lloyd's syndicates excluded coverage for global warming several in the late '90s. (Though I'm sure for an extra premium ...).
Inhofe isn't in the competition because he's already won it to many times.
It's not just the insurance companies that are worried, it's the military too. This is a BFD.
"The new policy would only apply to grants aimed at disaster preparedness — funding for FEMA assistance following natural disasters would not be affected."
Too bad. I'm tired of bailing out these idiots after every wildfire, mudslide and hurricane only to have them thank God. It's time to make these people live according to their sincerely-held beliefs.
As a North Florida resident with a home one block from the intracoastal waterway, I am fine with this. In a few years I will have waterfront property which I can sell at an inflated price to New York retirees who think St Augustine is Fort Lauderdale.
Oregon? You'll need plenty o' dough...
They LOVE them some empty calories.
Oregon: not landlocked. Vermont?
"No FEMA money for you!"
The next retorts from the Republican playbook: "I'm not an actuary, but..."; "I'm not a general, but...".