p goes in, p goes out. You can't explain it.

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Nah, that never happened. Nope, not in Happy Goodtimes Okdskool America. You just made that up.

Also, Earl who?

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Hey, Rios and American Family Whatever are totally on the right track. Using identity politics to attack one group of Supremes is not only legit, it is an <i>excellent</i> approach.

Next up: Why are Scalia, Alito, Roberts, and Thomas Catholicking up the damn court with their papist world view? Didn't they ever hear about the separation of church and state? No, OK, scratch that. But don't they know that the Pope is the Antichrist and everything he says makes Jesus die on the Cross all over again? And is un-American and un-Christian?

Go for it, Rios!

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He got the idea from watching a Gilbert & Sullivan play. Truefact. That the judge in said comedy was a grotesque figure of ridicule naturally escaped his notice.

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Wait until Scalia sees that pube on his Coke can.

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He could nod or shake his head. No need to change his style.

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Rebecca would approve.

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