The Ferguson Police Department sure is sorry about "the loss of Michael Brown's life that occurred this past Saturday." Why, they surely do mourn that loss of his life that occurred this past Saturday -- just one of those things for which nobody's responsible, you know how it is,
It was not meant as an excuse, but was intended to point out that the Ferguson P.D. is likely to consist of the stupid, the lazy and rejects from other police departments (categories are not mutually exclusive).
Why? Because in Ohio the Negros are not <strike>protesting</strike> rioting and looting - which is, of course, the only part of the story that interests <strike>Whitey</strike> mainstream media.
On the 6pm news broadcast in St. Louis last night, it was claimed that the Ferguson P.D. pays less than many other departments in the area, so they have a problem in keeping good officers.
To those of you who would darken The streets at night, please harken If you chose to neglect to show proper respect On your noggins will nightsticks be parkin&#039;
&quot;[We] will continue to display resilience and fortitude. We look forward to your cooperation and support.&quot; Translation: Behave yourselves, or we will fuck you up.
I believe it was called the Sunset Law-- as in &quot;Don&#039;t let the sun set on your head in this town, BOY.&quot;
Cops are crediting those gunshots to &quot;Unknown Suspects&quot;.
It was not meant as an excuse, but was intended to point out that the Ferguson P.D. is likely to consist of the stupid, the lazy and rejects from other police departments (categories are not mutually exclusive).
Camptown Races?
Well, for one thing, they&#039;d likely be arrested and/or shot, depending on skin color.
Well, the arms manufacturers can&#039;t count on presidents to ALWAYS be starting wars. Gotta sell their product somewhere.
I&#039;m fascinated that the media are all over Michael Brown&#039;s death, while the killing of John Crawford in a Walmart in Ohio a couple of days earlier has vanished from coverage. <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
Why? Because in Ohio the Negros are not <strike>protesting</strike> rioting and looting - which is, of course, the only part of the story that interests <strike>Whitey</strike> mainstream media.
In the form of heroic couplets or GTFO.
Rhodesia (as was).
On the 6pm news broadcast in St. Louis last night, it was claimed that the Ferguson P.D. pays less than many other departments in the area, so they have a problem in keeping good officers.
Also, at least one more person shot by police last night. <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
In Beijing, because their Olympic free speech zones remain unused.
or limerick
To those of you who would darken The streets at night, please harken If you chose to neglect to show proper respect On your noggins will nightsticks be parkin&#039;
At least this new daylight-only protesting rule will put a damper on the Klan rallies. It does apply to right-wing groups, too...right, Ferguson PD?
&quot;[We] will continue to display resilience and fortitude. We look forward to your cooperation and support.&quot; Translation: Behave yourselves, or we will fuck you up.
They also hacked the city&#039;s website, according to the news reports. At least that&#039;s what I read over on C&amp;L.