I have.

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Trayvon Martin was my wake-up call too. That boy was murdered, at least 2nd-degree. Zimmerman should still be in prison.

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"And shooting an unarmed guy in the back while he's running away?"To me, that is the crux of it. You are no longer fearing for your life when the attacker is retreating.

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Wilson said that Brown reached into his car window for the gun. That doesn't explain how Brown ended up several years away from the vehicle sprawled on the ground with multiple gunshot wounds. In order for Brown to have been shot that far away after the "struggle" in/near the car, that means he was most likely retreating. The cop shot an unarmed man that was trying to get away. Unless we're talking a murderer or terrorist, there's little reason to shoot a retreating suspect.

ETA: I just realized that your whole point is moot, because even if it happened exactly as Wilson said, the DOJ discovered mounds of evidence of systemic racism in the local PD. Ferguson didn't happen because of one hotly-contested police shooting--it was just the tip of the shit iceberg. The community was sick of being profiled and harassed. It was inevitable.

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Not mentioned in this piece - Holder's DOJ issued a report also exonerated the officer and says his account of the encounter was supported by the evidence, rather than the "hand up don't shoot" lie peddled by the media after hearing it from Brown's companion that day.

Brown died for trying to assault a cop and take his weapon - which is what would happen to anyone who did something so stupid. But rather than wait for the facts, progressives whipped up a narrative that resulted in riots, millions of dollars of property damage, and undoubtedly the loss of value in the homes of area residents - who are mostly black. Nice job wiping out whatever equity these homeowners had. With friends like these, who needs the alt-right?

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They really do seem to fail to understand that respect must be earned.Not really a surprise considering they fail to complete the parable of one bad apple spoils the bunch as well.Those two things together a very powerful.

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Lol. I'd be willing to bet you have not lived in both Illinois and Missouri. If you had, you'd know I'm not gloating. I'm speaking the truth.

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Amen on both points. Maybe I am just a cynic, or maybe it was having a cop draw a gun and point it at my head, telling me he could right then and there: no one would ever question his story. Happened years ago, when I was a poorpeep. After a night of partying when all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. He thought it disrespectful that I didn't call him "sir"...

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As far as I can tell there are as many DINO as there are RINO.Plenty of them are just not quite right enough to be Repubs and, let's be honest, many of them are simply amoral political animals who simply chose one side over the other to hitch their wagon to.Remember the hierarchy for Cops is Super Rich, Rich, Thin Blue Line, Wypeopo, Blah Cops, Poor Wypeopo, Blahs. They only care otherwise if you are against them... then you are an Anarchist with no soul and so not human.Yes, plenty of cops are good people trying to make the world better, they are the ones that get quit/fired early in their careers.

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thanks for the background. jeebus.

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ohno....the rwnj's loved this guy mcculloch...i'm in the stl area, and it didnt matter one fucking bit that he's a dem...he could have been a martian, as long as he backed the blue like a proper wypeepo is 'spose to

if, on the other hand, had he filed charges (not a chance in hell, but if...) he'd have been another cop-hating liberal (he is not)...IIRC, he's from a family line of police, and a former police himself

mcculloch is a dino, because unlike the rest of missour-uh-bama, no republican can get elected to anything in stl or stl county

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So wait, the guy he beat was a fucking DEMOCRAT??? I did not know this. I am always "fighting" right wing radicals online who pull the "democrats" are racist card, lord help me if they ever find out about this guy McCulloch.

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Fuckin A, that's all.

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Voted for Wesley Bell :)

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Missouri can be a screwed up place but coming from Illinois provides zero basis for gloating about how "backwards" Missouri might be.

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To be clear, Bell is likely to become the prosecuting attorney in St. Louis County, which (like only Baltimore and a bunch of areas in Virginia) is politically separate from St. Louis City. The City of St. Louis, Ferguson and other areas of north St. Louis County are predominantly black but the county as a whole is 70% white.

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