ah ... no

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Oh, he'll get another job. People like him fail upward. See, tRump, Donald J.

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I would like to say I can't believe that behavior is allowed to continue, yet somehow I actually can believe it. Just really pisses me off.

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I was just thinking that too, that wow how HASN'T he been reported? Then again rumor had it while I was there, he had counsel on permanent retainer, probably for the shit tons of lawsuits he would find himself in.

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If I called an Uber, I wouldn't even consider getting in the front seat for a split second. It's a fucking cab, not your mom picking you up from school, FFS!

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His "apology" has been panned and rightfully so.He's not sorry for what he said,he's sorry he got caught on tape.

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If you have to ask "Is it because I'm white?" you've already fucked up.

"It wasn't until you just made it about that."

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Very much the surprise putsch!

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Yippee ki-yay, Hans.


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I was paying for a ride with somebody (memory/details hazy!), but anyway, he had Rush Limbaugh on real loud, and I asked him, very politely, to put some music ( or anything else) on.He did, and I told him that I thought that any talk radio was kinda inappropriate, that if we switched places, he prolly wouldn't want to listen to Thom Hartmann, either. That got a chuckle.

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Maybe there's a spot for Berglund in Trump's Dept. of Agriculture.

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Not the guy from Die Hard but still...as you ride off into the sunset Hans...Yippy Kai Yay.

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sadly, yes

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Attention drunks: Calling a cab or Uber when you're shitfaced is the right thing to do, but your responsibility doesn't end there. You still have to behave like a decent human being toward the driver or anyone else you might encounter.

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