I'll return to my regular good-natured civility when all the rapists, racists, nativists, congenital liars, fascist motherfuckers and associated Petains and Quislings are out of power. Until then, fuck their fucking calls for politeness like the only problem in America right now is their wig powder has lumps.

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It's all right. Y'all get the money I used to give them every month for a digital subscription. 😉 Update: Y'all can have my WaPo subscription money too, bc I fired them today.

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It really appears American "News Media" has failed in general not only to actually find "news", but to write in relatively correct American English...I think most people do not read actual books these days, and lack guidelines for how written English is supposed to look and sound. Witness Trump's patchwork manner of speaking...he has never read a book for pleasure in his life, he has no idea of words, even simple ones, of more than 2 syllables...but he has "a good brain - the best brain." And we should take his word - simple and stupid though it be - for that.

The American News Media is at it's lowest ebb that I can remember, and I'm so much a geezer that I remember Nixon on TV as Vice President... He really did look like a crook.

I went to bed late election night confident we could not be crazy enough to elect Trump and have been having bad sleep ever since. And our "news" people have been sucking up to him throughout the election, and through massive scandals that would have derailed anyone else...I have to assume they are bought and paid for...anyone challenge that assumption?I had developed respect for them during the Vietnam era, when they FINALLY GOT IT, but I have none at all now...Young people going into this field - you would be better off selling air conditioners..at least furnishing an honest, needed product.

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As far as the kids who have been separated from their parents are concerned, we don’t know what is going to happen to them.

We also don’t know what is happening to the girls and “tender-aged” children. And that’s how the Trump administration wants it.

So the only question is whether the NYT is going live up to its reputation as a fine, investigative paper and hold this administration accountable or if it is going to become a parody.

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Prolixity? How uncivil.

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Shorten it to "Not Batshit Party" and we'll have something for them to reject, at least. It won't fly in Peoria, though.

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Prolixity? Long-windedness.

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The fiscally conservative in ways that make no sense but not batshit crazy racists party. Or, that will be their mission statement. 😁

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Yes, leaving this evil unchallenged is fucking negligent!

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I guess it is time for those partyless people to start a new party. I wonder what they'll call it?

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I have long wondered why people treat the Old Grey Whore as anything other than that. People initially flocked to buy a subscription because of stupid, childish attacks from a stupid, childish moron, but the joke was on them: the Times has LONG been reactionary and cowardly outside of its editorial pages, brimming with milquetoast reporters who are deathly afraid of right wingers. People can suspend their disbelief only so much before it becomes unbearable, and for those of us who knew, the Times has always been unbearable.

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Says you? Who the fo ok do you think you are? Don’t speak to me unless spoken to. You hear me tough guy?

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Yeah, so I heard that the Times was giving up on its eponymous font, and going with something called Leipzig Zeitung.

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And I, too, no longer subscribe to the NYT, for their blatant inability to understand or react sensibly to what is going on in this country. The incivility began when the Republicans responded to the Obama administration. The column should have been written eight years ago—in the other direction.

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"we've seen a decline in civility and an uptick in incivility "Well yes. people do tend to react angrily to people locking up kids, Melania wearing a totally heartless jacket to visit those kids. And the absolute insanity that is the UD government. People are reacting to insanity, and you want them to be polite? Having a cup of tea and discussing it isn't going to cut it.

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Indeed. Me too. Canceled right after the election.

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