Wow...Newt only beat me by 2.28% and I wasn't even running.

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True that. What was the name he gave Rove? Turd Bottom? Shit Stain? Something like that.

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Sorry, I don't know how to make the trade mark sign. That would be Shelly Bachmann. She won the title from that Texas woman we called Dracula or something. Did you catch the shoes she had on with that white suit? most of the photos chopped her off at the knees.

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Now I can't find either. Her standing in doorway of bus waving the jazz hands. Black strappy gladiator heels with the white suit.

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Especially one with good hair and a hard-on for Jeebus, from Texas.

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To be fair, Rick doesn't want to actually INVADE Mexico, and Hitler wasn't that big on prayer.

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"Apparently you can disable the follower notifications on your ID account settings. "


Mwa-ha-haaaa! Eat my smegma, spanky.

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No, not you, Mitt.

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The MSM is "getting" her about as well as the Dems are "negotiating" with the GOPtards.

Same problem: Like the 9-11 "truthers" and the UFO/ESP/sasquatch/alien fanatics, they've achieved a level of stupidity that's beyond the reach of mere scorn. Every bit of ridicule that the world heaps upon them is just more proof that they're right.

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and cursing mccain.

along with much of the rest of amerca.

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Is this more of that "following" nonsense? I think it's just his way of shitting in your inbox... hilarious, if you're about 11 years old.

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me too!

i think they think we're scared of them for some reason or other probably involving cheeto's and mom's basement.

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Yeah, wait for the presidential debate, where someone can ask him if, as president, he's going to call a prayer meeting whenever the going gets tough. That'll impress the average non-teatard voter.

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this is my favorite from today:

“I am a job creator. I am a former <i>federal</i> tax attorney, and I have years in <i>federal tax court</i>.” Michele Bachman, August 2011.

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Ok now that I changed my screen name to "Comarade Wingtard" I am all the richer for having some creeptard downfisting Breitbart wingnuts following me. I'm not sure if they consider me one of "them" or no. What the FUCK is with these creeps? This seems to be standard MO for them; for every libtard protest (lately the ALEC protest) around where I live they "investigate" everyone involved and start calling their work, their parents, emailing them threatening letters and insane shit like that. Yes, wingtard follower, you are severely mentally ill. You are so fucking stupid, unhinged and crazy you make the worst of us lefttards (who were drinking maniacally during the Bush administration) look like models of sanity. You fuckers are fucking NUTS.

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<i>"I think we know with reasonable certainty that standing up there on the West front of the Capitol on Jan. 20, 2013 will be one of three people: Obama, Pawlenty and Daniels."</i> -George Will last May.

He's still right. It's definitely one of those 3.

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