Mormons like to steal Native American children because they think it helps them get to heaven or something. They call them Lamanites, and they think God wants them to abandon their tribal ways and turn into white people.

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Gorsuch and Roberts have both been good on Native issues so far. Of course, they are the only members of the court with any significant experience with Indian Law, so that isn't all that surprising.

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But that's what makes this hell. We see good people suffer too. It makes our suffering worse, or, hell. Btw can I interest you in a nice sharp pitchfork for 2020?

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Happy Dumpster Fire in Space is the name of my new cartoon theme song cover band.

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Rebecca Nagle of the Cherokee Nation did a really good podcast about this and other issues the indian tribes have faced/still are facing. I learned so much. I was also proud of myself that when this decision was announced I knew what it was about https://crooked.com/podcast...

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I learned from This Land podcast that RBG is a worry. I also learned about Lisa Black - attorney for Oklahoma in Murphy vs Oklahoma. A case the SCOTUS pushed over to next year to rehear arguments.

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I just watched this episode on Longmire last night on Netflix.

I really don't get Texas Republicans, they are running scared of The Big Blue taking over and yet they do everything they can to aide in that eventuality.Indians vote, just like women and Latinos do. While Texas is worried about suppressing the Latino vote, the women and Indians are gonna pull a sneak attack from the left flank.

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You know who else liked stealing babies? That’s right the country that liked getting cozy with Nazi skunks-in-hiding.


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Relevant quotes for today’s non-1%-er conservatives:

“But we were only following orders!”

“Arbeit Macht Frei”

“Maybe if you’re truly lucky you’ll get to be the next Kapo!”

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My direct supervisor had been trying to get approved as a foster care provider, with the goal to adopt. She wanted an older child, but she's fostering a baby right now. When she first tole me about him, without mention his race, I was afraid of what I'd have to say if he turned out to be a baby that had been separated from his mother at the border.

She got a vanilla baby with blue sprinkles, so that was avoided.

Bless her heart, she's a better person that I. Taking in an infant in your mid forties is something I would have been challenged to do, with a career, a busy husband and two active children of my own.

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Broke my heart, that movie.

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I think that they are trying to bring about the rapture.

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How can we expect to understand the injustices of today if we focus only on the present and gloss over the past?

Thing is, the ethos of Cowboys vs Indians where Cowboy = Exterminators & Indian = Targets of The Exterminators is still very much in play. All the social ills you see off the res are often magnified on the res for historical and contemporary reasons- this is not an accident- you cannot divorce the past from the present; the white man’s sense of time does not apply here.

Children have been and always will be the greatest treasure to First Nations people. Before Columbus most tribes had no words no concept even for child abuse at least not the way it existed in European culture. This is not romanticizing native culture because studies show it's also true for many cultures that were forced into the capitalist system, all the ills came right along with the irresistible goods and services.

The point is if you’re going to justify taking away an Indian child from its family and community you better have some irreprochable evidence that you are doing so for the absolute benefit of that child and there is no other option. The problem is that there is almost always another option for that child but it just isn’t considered.

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Thank you, Jamie.

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So I start reading this and immediately think, “how is this even an issue in 2019? Are there still legions of white Americans looking to ‘civilize’ Native American children?” Naively, I had thought that was an issue that had been settled decades ago with legislation like ICWA.

Then I continue reading and see that the Kochs and the Mercers are involved and I think, “Why are they involved? What interest do they have in pumping millions into cases like this? I know they’re evil, but what possible motive could they have for getting involved in the welfare of Native American children.”

Then, I reach the real lede of the story:

American Indian reservations comprise only 2 percent of all land in the United States but hold an estimated 20% of oil and gas reserves, 50 percent of uranium reserves, and 30 percent of all coal west of the Mississippi.

Of course, it was never about the welfare of children. Why would the Kochs ever give a rat’s ass about that? Even after all these decades, we’re still trying to fuck the tribes out of the tiny bits of land we had so graciously allowed them to keep before. The Kochs can’t stand the idea of any mineral resources remaining in the ground and not filling their pockets. And why negotiate in good faith to purchase the rights to those resources from the tribes when you can use the courts to fuck them? After all, what’s more libertarian than using the power of the federal government to steal someone’s land?

Jesus Tapdancing Christ why won’t the Kochs just do the decent thing and die already?

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