Oh yeah, I'm sure the slaves would be very happy if Lincoln had let the South go.

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... cedar cheese platters for everyone, also too.

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... they get whats we say they deserve.


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I wonder what would happen if they shut down all but a half dozen legal gun shops in Texas, claiming it did not unreasonably interfere with the right to purchase a gun? Think these three goofballs would sign on to that theory?

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... rich people can have as many children as they like, secure in the knowledge none of them will ever serve in the military. Poor people will be forced to have children that will see the military as a way to escape the circumstances into which they were born. Even then, they will find out that the suffering continues. This might not matter if "Support The Troops" was anything more than an empty platitude.

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I hate to say this, but apparently a lot of you are.

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They'll just pass a law that you can't have a clinic within 2000 miles of the state capitol.

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Oh, fuck this shit.

This is why it DOES matter which variety of corrupt asshole gets elected POTUS.

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Don't stop there - the aging of the church population has ramifications for their parking facilities, also too.

We need to redefine the regulations governing the availability of parking spaces and the number of special spaces each church parking lot needs...and we need to keep redefining these regulations every six months, so they keep having to reconfigure their parking lots...you know...for safety.

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Mmmmm...babby...and we atheists are known to be experts with the babby-que.

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And, stiff taxes for churches to cover additional car accidents associated with slower reaction times behind the wheel.

For safety. ;)

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They don't even have the same regulations for other outpatient clinics that do riskier procedures (like colonoscopies) than 1st trim abortions.

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Just privatize all state human services and eliminate food/welfare/housing assistance for those lazy takers. Problem solved.

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Duh, the poor women will now be more careful not to get pregnant! They will stop getting themselves raped, they will somehow find birth control even though they can't find a Planned Parenthood in 200 miles. Oh, I know, they will just stop having sex altogether and be virginal and pure like Jesus wants them.

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It is a small sheep

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...and He is a little turned-on.

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