I love sky mall! Such depth, you go from inflatable pool chairs to Harry Potter wands. Also I'd prefer it over 50 shades every day (my friend got me to read the first third, still trying to figure out what I did to them to want such revenge).

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I'm not smarter than you, just got a heads up from one of my daughters whose inner goddess shares your opinion of the book.

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Pics or it didn't happen!

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When even Selena Gomez can do a halfway decent parody of your book, that says something. (I'm not sure of Selena's acting ability, but she's an expert lip-biter.)

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With circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.

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... and new meaning to the "Group W" bench. Whips? Wincing?

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I read one sample paragraph. That was enough. I read all of DaVinci Code because Templar stuff is my favorite conspiracy theory, and that tome filled my quota for shitty writing for my entire life.

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"Oh, my!

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"Ronald Reagan ate peas like no other man."

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<i>as Mitch Albom called it, “not your typical sex”</i>

He's absolutely correct. Just ask any "family values" Freeper. Getting tied up usually costs extra.

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<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Positive_airway_pressure" target="_blank">A CPAP machine?</a>

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Why read the horrible book when you can generate <a href="http:\/\/www.fiftyshadesgenerator.com" target="_blank"> World Class Literature</a> with a single click? (somewhat gross)

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Sadly, I was curious and had to read it to see what the fuss was about. You are smarter than I am.

My inner goddess found it sexually unexciting and very poorly written.

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I'm still a <i>Fifty Shades of Grey</i> virgin and fully intend to never pop that particular cherry.

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That view of "Typical Sex" is exactly the sort of thing that got Troy McClure shunned from polite society. Bastards.

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<i>let’s just get the giggling and eye-rolling over with already</i>

If sexy-time doesn't at least include handcuffs then GTFO!

Yeah, I said it!

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