When the SWAT team knocks down your door looking for drugs belonging to a man who lives 5 blocks away, there's really no substitute for having in your hands an AR-15. They'll see right away that you're a real Murkin patriot. Well, maybe not <i>right away,</i> but they'll figure it out soon enough*.

(*Soon enough for me.)

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a hoopy frood, you are.

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Musically, one of Stephen's best.

Philosophically, ehh...

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Wouldn't that require six strips of bacon?

Oh, fuck it, I'm drunk enough to ask that.

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Wait. There's a caldera at Mammoth? Well, shit, I'm gonna move to....

Nevermind. We'll live with it.

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Happily, I haven't met them, because I would probably have broken their noses, and ended up in jail. So, good fortune?

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FDR was a motherfucker.

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Same result if you have your hands on a video camera.

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Anybody can make one hormone.

An you make them to order?

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This is the skeleton of a poem.

I like it already.

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What no Muslin mask's???? these folks are pretty much fucked iffen they dont get them a Muslin mask so they can blend in with the ISIS,gawd damn aint they watched the news that is what the Iraqi fighters what was against ISIS did and ISIS left them alone and came to Merika

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Will my moccasins keep me safe from terrorists? Because army boots aren't really my style.

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Forget ebola and ricin - when ISIS takes over, where will we get teh BOTOX?

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"What are Catheters and Colostomy Bags also known as, Alex."

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