<strong>Law &amp; Order : Fashion Unit</strong> <i>Sgt Ed:</i> That&#039;s a dangerous lookin&#039; collar ya got there, m&#039;am&#039;an. I&#039;m afraid we&#039;re gonna hafta bring it in for questioning. <i>Lt Lou:</i> That&#039;s a righteous collar, Ed. <i>Tim Gunn:</i> I don&#039;t think it really works. <i>Quincy:</i> Are you telling me people are putting these things around their necks AND THERE&#039;S NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT? <i>music:</i>dum dum.
If you can see your penis without a mirror, you are not eating enough cheese fries. ________________ <i>Message brought to you by the American Cheese Fries Council. &quot;If God didn&#039;t want us to eat cheese fries, He wouldn&#039;t have invented the elastic waistband.&quot; </i>
Matt Drudge, naturally, was one of the first to expose this plot by &#039;Big Sis&#039; to look at air travelers&#039; privates. The alleged fact that leering TSA employees (not a trained union force but cheap rent-a-cops) are groping your Johnsons and Hoo-Haws should be worthy of a House subcommittee investigation. Or at least a chalkboard explanation by that Beck fellow.
&quot;The government&quot; is behind all this? Can Obama see my Victoria&#039;s Secret Bra? Because I would totally show him, no need for $$$ equipment.
I thought that during the whole Bush administration and its domestic wiretaps, the FOXist tard-rationale went something like &quot;what are yeh fraid of, got sumptin ta hide? YOU A TERRIST??&quot;
Apparently privacy only matters when it is your comical &quot;fun-size&quot; junk being exposed.
<strong>Law &amp; Order : Fashion Unit</strong> <i>Sgt Ed:</i> That&#039;s a dangerous lookin&#039; collar ya got there, m&#039;am&#039;an. I&#039;m afraid we&#039;re gonna hafta bring it in for questioning. <i>Lt Lou:</i> That&#039;s a righteous collar, Ed. <i>Tim Gunn:</i> I don&#039;t think it really works. <i>Quincy:</i> Are you telling me people are putting these things around their necks AND THERE&#039;S NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT? <i>music:</i>dum dum.
If you can see your penis without a mirror, you are not eating enough cheese fries. ________________ <i>Message brought to you by the American Cheese Fries Council. &quot;If God didn&#039;t want us to eat cheese fries, He wouldn&#039;t have invented the elastic waistband.&quot; </i>
Airport duty is punishment for underperforming TSA agents.
i am so glad i live where i am having thanksgiving.
Fuck it. I&#039;m too broke to go anywhere, anyways.
Matt Drudge, naturally, was one of the first to expose this plot by &#039;Big Sis&#039; to look at air travelers&#039; privates. The alleged fact that leering TSA employees (not a trained union force but cheap rent-a-cops) are groping your Johnsons and Hoo-Haws should be worthy of a House subcommittee investigation. Or at least a chalkboard explanation by that Beck fellow.
&quot;The government&quot; is behind all this? Can Obama see my Victoria&#039;s Secret Bra? Because I would totally show him, no need for $$$ equipment.
if i were TSA i&#039;d be protesting having to look at america&#039;s bodies.
But some of my best friends are Osseous!
I thought that during the whole Bush administration and its domestic wiretaps, the FOXist tard-rationale went something like &quot;what are yeh fraid of, got sumptin ta hide? YOU A TERRIST??&quot;
Apparently privacy only matters when it is your comical &quot;fun-size&quot; junk being exposed.