<a href="http:\/\/i1115.photobucket.com\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/OBAMA_LESSEROF2EVILSjpg.jpg" target="_blank">I like this one better.</a>

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Given Goldwater's opposition to civil rights and worker protections, he'd probably prefer these guys to the Nelson Rockefellers, Mark Hatfields, and Jacob Javitses of his day.

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Of course, that works for modern political cartoons, too.

Except for the "intellectual capacities" part; that has nothing to do with the modern art of the political cartoon.

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Barry Goldwater at least had real conservative principles and makes the current crop of Republicans look like horses' asses, and that's from a 4th generation Democrat.

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I was just thinking of what Goldwater would have thought of this current group of Republicans that are considering running for president. I doubt he would recognize them as being Republican.

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