Flyboys I do not know, mostly what I get around are all the other branches and that bit of the air that does not fly (I was told by an airman that the pilots are the elite snobby assholes of the airforce. And I went...yeah but...are they not the entire point of the airforce? And he frowned and went, No, we do other stuff too! Was funny.)So do, and report, comrade, so we can investigate this fully. Or, take pictures so we can objectify along with you.

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That is so totally true. I get asked all the time how a beautiful purebred like Molly ended up in rescue. And it's because people see a picture of an Airedale, and they have such cute faces and human looking eyes, and they say "aaahhh", and go out and buy one...with no idea what the particular needs of the breed are. Airedales are super smart and exceedingly curious...they need a lot of interaction and exercise and mental stimulation. Without it, they get bored and misbehave in spectacular ways, and people abandon them in shelters.

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Actually, it was Jimmy Kimmel.I dunno, I didn't find it painful, though it was certainly obvious and not subtle. But then, that may have been the point to be not subtle.

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As a landlocked state there is very little use for Navy or Marine installations (and TX stole the big Army base. I hate TX). Flyboys abound here, and I'm 6 blocks from a base. I shall attempt to take photos of all the hot mens (and wimminz!) at the grocery store and will share them with the people I love on this here MommyBlog/Recipe hub.

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Oh! And also, too - my first and undying love for men in uniform was Navy guys - I grew up on Navy bases. Dress Whites get me all tingly in my down theres.

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For years now I have tried to find a way to stop petting a cat that doesn't involve running and locking myself in the bathroom until she falls asleep.

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Thanks.That's the person I know.She spoke last at the funeral for my friend.The service lasted for hours, she stayed the whole time, and it was a few days before she won the Senate vote for NYS.(I'm sure she had other, important political plans.)Most of her speech was directed at my friend's daughter (only child).

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Some of them are actually like this. Female violinists have a lot of terrible comments, sigh.

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I always thought she was rather lovely, in spite of the cankles. There's not a gd thing you can do about those--except wear pants (suits).

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oh, thanks for explaining that to me and everyone who found it funny and timely. can i bring you a sammich now?

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after considering an epic rant, I decided to go with captain obvious

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"The man should have to kill the bug!"


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And if your heart can stand it, consider fostering. Mrs Dittos and I did that for a while. It was tough to give the dog(s) back when it was ready to be put up for adoption, but it was pretty rewarding knowing we got them ready for their 'forever family'.And then one day, there were two we just had to keep. They've been with us ever since.

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