I don't understand the whole pink thing - don't they know that pink and red clash?

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I didn't say anything about not washing hands!!!! But imagine you have blood and blood clots on your hand and you're in a tiny bathroom stall with not very much TP. You have to pull up your clothes and touch the door latch before you can get to the sink. A glove might be helpful. I'd never thought of that before.

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Welp (not sic) the one with ham arms has enough sense to look embarrassed. The arms, like his big boy invention, scream 'inadequate' like a giant pair of rubber testicles on the back of a lifted truck.

Men PSA. 1) do not go through a woman's bathroom garbage, and 2) then feel the need to comment. I'm sorry to any one that this even needs to be said. Better for us if you just go your own way.

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I'm sure his crusty tissues or used condoms are no air freshener he can dangle from his rear view mirror either.

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Sisters, surely you see the brilliance of this (cough~choke) invention to aid us with our female shame? A rubber glove that, wait for it, acts as a disposal device too! How can you not see how well “they get us females”? They even, gasp, made it PINK...WITH A HEART ON IT! All women adore pink don’t they? Grrr. I fucking hate pink. These guys must share a 4” dick between them. https://media4.giphy.com/me...

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I knew a man that actually like removing the tampon himself before going warrior and diving into that bloody glory hole. Said a real warrior wasn’t afraid of a little blood. He didn’t lie about that either. Ah, good times.

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Good name but I’ve found that because of something to do with testosterone most men are physically unable to understand those words...”taking out the trash”.

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Absol-fucking-lutely! I don’t want to look at my own bloody mess much less find it strewn throughout the whole house after the dog chews it up. So, I learned how to wrap that shit up neatly out of sight at 12.

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I do! It’s chocolate.

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Unless you do that for fun, then carry on. We aren’t mutants for bleeding monthly and we can, and do, self-pleasure ourselves and enjoy it.

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He dared to look in the waste bin? When I was a teenager working at K mart, we argued about who had to empty the "suggestion boxes" in the ladies rooms.

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Haha as a male I find this product clueless and from the mind of a person, or persons, who would probably find everything about the wonderful, to me, women's differences from men disgusting. For some people our creaturehood is a scary thing. We are animals like most creatures on the planet, and some of these humans really do have brains I swear! lol

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Indeed. I would have enjoyed the look on Ride Sally Ride's face.


That headline still brings tears of joy to my old feminist eyes~

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As someone who is married to a retired Juvenile Officer, I can (but won't) tell you what 'boys' do with rubber gloves while in custody.....

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I ate out my friend´s girlfriend in a car, after we´d pulled off the road during a dark and stormy night. Then we stopped off at a 7-11 to buy something or other, and a cop kept insisting I hang around while he called for paramedics to check me out. Apparently, my face and collar was covered in menstrual blood, and I didn´t even know.

Gee, I wish those gloves had been available back when we were kids.

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When I was younger and attended a Christian school, there were Baptist daddies who wouldn't let their daughters ride horses because they believed a daughter's hymen could be broken (she would be worth less as a broodmare?) and she might derive too much "pleasure" out of riding a horse. What kind of ignorance is that? These girls weren't even allowed to wear pants (dresses/skirts midcalf only), couldn't pierce their ears or wear any makeup or even fingernail polish. I think I do even remember one girl who wasn't allowed to ride a bicycle because of the above 'reasons.'

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