When I am trying to unravel a difficult political or other human situation, the first thing I always ask myself is "What would Ted Nugent think about this?"


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That's where all the fun and money is. If you <i>prevent</i> a crime, well, you've got no proof that there really would be a crime, and it's like you never did anything at all.

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Three points:

(1) Your post hoc reasoning fails to consider the specific policies that led to specific effects within the economy. For example, the effects of deregulations on banking, the correlation between lower taxes and deficit spending in the Bush years and economic growth, etc. In short, the executive branch makes most of the policy decisions regarding economic policy through the appointment of the FED chair, the Treasury secretary, and various regulatory agencies. You also fails to consider the delayed reaction that the economy has to shifts in policy. For example, how Pres. Reagan blamed Pres. Carter for bad economic times from 1981-1983.

2) I'll admit, Clinton's economic policies were only good in the short term, but didn't do much good in the long run. Bush didn't exactly clean up after him, though. He just basically took every economic mistake Clinton made and poured gasoline on it.

3) You realize this is a humor blog, don't you? If you'd read the articles instead of just trolling and you'll see how seriously we take reasoned political discourse based on issues and even-headed analysis. In short: go bother Daily Kos or something if you want a serious discussion. We'd rather talk about trucknutz and robots.

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I'll bet instead of the plain wafer becoming the body of Christ, he ironically wishes he could become a zesty dorito instead!

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Fortunately that kind of rhetoric isn't meant to evoke violent images. I'm sure he really just wants everyone to know how tasty his recipe for machine gun fondue is.

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GOD!!! it's NOT a silver cross. it's a wooden stake (ash, hawthorn or oak), an iron or steel needle, holy water, decapitation or a lemon in the mouth.

stupid bitch.

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Shark jumping? There ya go with the violent talk Benjamin. Now if some Demoncrat or Repubican gets eaten by a shark, IT'S ON YOUR HEAD!!!

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From the Nugent… “I'm not interested in understanding why these deranged, rabid monsters commit carnage. Trying to make sense from complete nonsense is a waste of time.”

His commitment to remaining ignorant is almost admirable … almost.

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Did the Alaska finale include any advanced techniques on "Clubbing the Halibut"? Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge.

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Yeah, but the new one had fucking and angels.

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In regards to shark jumping, if the last decade of Republican policies didn't kill right-wing politics, then 5 days of finger pointing isn't going to end the left.

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isn't that neilist feller waaaay smart than Ted Nugent? Of course Ted Nugent said Barack Obama should suck on his machine gun barrel*. That's not violent rhetoric. I'm sure that's just Teddy's way of saying "get the lead out Barry". _________________________ * really! google it

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