Unlikely in the lifetime of Lady MS, who attended an all-girls public high...

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For this again, we'll try to live another year.

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My favorite is, "There's only one rule that I know of, babies - "God damn it, you've got to be kind."

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And someday we'll have comments.

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The War Prayer, by Mark Twain

The best and greatest piece ever written against war.

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The blog nobody needsThanks for letting me know I'm irrelevant. Who the fuck are you?

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this quote sums up how I feel about our current situation...

“Thus did a handful of rapacious citizens come to control all that was worth controlling in America. Thus was the savage and stupid and entirely inappropriate and unnecessary and humorless American class system created. Honest, industrious, peaceful citizens were classed as bloodsuckers, if they asked to be paid a living wage. And they saw that praise was reserved henceforth for those who devised means of getting paid enormously for committing crimes against which no laws had been passed. Thus the American dream turned belly up, turned green, bobbed to the scummy surface of cupidity unlimited, filled with gas, went bang in the noonday sun.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

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And those oils named are ones more likely to irritate the skin, cause problems with asthma, or cause an allergic response, too, even if properly diluted before use. Except for maybe frankincense, I don't know enough about that one.

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I recently watched several documentary shows on netflix. Each had a different specific topic but they shared one theme. The Germans in ww2 built tremendous structures and weapons to repel allied invasion. Things that even today might seem impossible with improved technology and endless money tossed in. They built, in months, factories, fortifications and armaments that should have taken years to accomplish. Their techniques were simple. Slave labor. Working nonstop 24/7. The bodies of the slaves simply thrown into the mix, literally, part of the construction. No need to feed the laborers or ever allow them to slow down or stop, even for a moment. Not to denigrate Vonnegut, as I too am a fan, perhaps a couple of his points were slightly askew. "While Germany was being tortured... Its industrial output and the determination of its people increased. This sounds remarkably simplistic. It would be better said that the fanaticism and mania of the leadership increased, not so much the nationalism of the citizenry. If your country is at war, of course you will likely fall in line and support it. If your country is being led by mad men most citizens will still stand behind the leadership. I don't think it speaks well of the Germans, to say a country crushed in one war made a remarkable come back in the space of a decade to attempt to get even and conquer those countries that had so recently devastated their homeland. Am I stupid? Did I fail to get Vonneguts point? This would seem to be the nazi perspective; ...a young boy named rocky raccoon... One day his girl ran off with another guy, hit young rocky in the eye. Rocky didn't like that.He said I'm gonna get that boy.Isn't that what Adolf said? I'm gonna get even. Except Adolf didn't even have Gideons bible, in the end. Maybe I'm just an idiot, not fit to mingle with the intelligentsia. "Violence is the last refuge of fools and idiots like our glorious leader". Salvor Hardin.

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I upvoted it for you, Dok. I guess my upvoter is broke for this time.

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When I teach about rhythm in language, I use this poem. I read it aloud and make a point about the old lie. And make them hear the horrors of war in the blood that comes forth from froth corrupted lungs.

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Thanks, Dok. Beats "cool story, bro."

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No. Dihydrogen Monoxide.

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Cool story, bro.

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You get a too long delayed contribution just for this post, Dok. Better late than never, I guess. Many thanks. You made my Armistice Day weekend meaningful.

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Kurt Vonnegut was a Dirty Fucking Hippie. Therefore, he was right.


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