Probably time to remind everyone of this Sunday read: <a href="http://www.thebaffler.com/a..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.thebaffler.com/articles/the-long-con/">http://www.thebaffler.com/a...

Worth an hour or so.

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Of course it's his fault. He didn't take a strong leadership position like a Putin or a Netanyahu and lead our country to crushing victory thus leaving our poor troops to languish in the field.

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My brother-in-law just finished his second deployment to Japanistan! He brought my sister a lovely kimono decorated with poppie blossoms!

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I'm surprised that Sarah Palin wasn't in on this. Sounds like her kind of grift.

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Most food items, including tea and coffee, are taxed a low rate in Missouri. This terrible injustice has not driven the teabaggers away.

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someone needs to staple this article, printed in reverse, to Darrel Issa's forehead so he can read it every morning in the mirror.

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I donate to the USO from time-to-time. They're probably on the up-and-up. They rent my name/address to some other organizations for fund-raising. Wounded Warriors, for example. But I also get letters from the the far fringes of right-wing world: Heritage, Larry Klayman's hatepit, the NRA and so forth. Usually those envelopes say "Stop Obama Before It's Too Late!".

I'm dismayed that these organizations regard people (like me) who donate money for the troops as a sympathetic audience for their overtly Republican political messaging. The implication is that our volunteer military has become somewhat partisan. That's not good for America.

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it's too bad that the IRS was so busy investigating Tea Party-affiliated groups that they didn't have ti - Wait.

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What a surprise! ...that OCDB PAC and TPX are also scammy grifting schemes, with like 80-90% "overhead."

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<i>I’m gonna call and ream their butts,</i>

I kind of got lost there. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

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