Meanwhile Malcolm "Fizza" Turdbull thinks US style healthcare would be just dandy. After breathlessly sitting around like a kid so desperate for the cool guy's attention that being asked to wash his car or wipe his bum is an honour, instead of the leader of a sovereign nation's government, he congratulated the Gropenführer in Chief on the "let's fuck over sick people especially those on low or no incomes" bill going through, to the horror and disgust of his compatriots (and no doubt the secret delight of the Labor Party and the Greens, who had better go the Fizza and his incompetent Cabinet hard on this from now till the next election, and I mean relentlessly).

Fuck them. Turdbull and Cheeto Hitler. Fuck the both of them. Sideways and with votes.

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As Sensei Colbert says, "It's funny cause it's true."

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Pssst! Australia is pretty damn "diverse", too. And full of mooooslins and assorted blahs.

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Kind of thing "Bob" would do.

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Rania Khalek is scum. She is the definition of "red-brown" - someone who supports socialism at home and fascism overseas.

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Psssst - that term was invented by Joe Stalin.

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You would think the leader of a government with a skinny majority of ONE in the lower House would be more thoughtful about what he says in public, wouldn't you?

But, yeah. We're coming for him (and the ever-creepy Abbott) with votes!

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Unfortunately Australia has committed to buying at least 72 F35s

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Ground kangaroo for human consumption is more expensive than ground beef , since kangaroos aren't farmed and have to be inspected closely for parasites when butchered.

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No doubt. It was a joking reference to this old, old story.


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I know you're snarking, (and I'm also agreeing with you) but as an Australian I always find this claim perversely bizarre. There are no more deadly creatures in Australia than any other continent.* There has only been one death in Australia from a funnel web spider in 37 years. One! Throw in a few other wildlife deaths and you have nothing - and I mean nothing - near the incomprehensible figure of 30,000 gun deaths every year in the US. I don't understand people's disproportionate obsession with small spiders, etc when every week in the US thousands of people are injured, maimed or killed from guns. Sorry - but I know which one I'd rather live with. *I think it might be some sort of colonial fetishization.

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Yes, I couldn't agree more. I always cringe whenever I see or hear the "animalz what trying to kill us" joke (Brits also feel the need to mention it every time our country comes up in conversation for some reason) - it wasn't that funny the first time I heard it, and several hundred thousand iterations since haven't made it funnier. Yes, if you go swimming in croc infested waters at the Top End you might be in trouble, but you'd also be extremely arrogant and stupid since warnings are everywhere. If any animal is going to kill you over here, it's most likely to be a human, frankly.

Much as I love my dear US friends - those I've met in person or online as well as comrades here on Wonkette - I am scared shitless of visiting the USA at the moment.

I once saw a straw poll re what place was more fucked up - Australia or Florida. I commented to gently remind them that despite our shortcomings (and I'm talking about entrenched structural racism, sexism and homophobia, and environmental vandalism by the current government among other things, not the "homicidal animals what murder tourists" trope here) we have gun control, no death penalty, compulsory voting and universal health care. Somehow I don't think Florida has all that yet.

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So is New Zealand and we're chock-full of diversity! We make socialised health-care work even with our teensy tiny population, 4.5 million.

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Don't worry about NZ, the National party would gut the health system if they could. But they're to busy ruining the housing market. Auckland is one of the most unaffordable cities for housing in the world, and their traffic is shite. Thankfully I live in the city that Forbes just called the best in the world!

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Sydney is not much better from what I've heard. Sky high housing prices and horrendous traffic.

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I don't disagree, but just in case it's true...

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